I can certainly not claim even as much wisdom as the people who have made a life study of what the bible says. Every thing to me has to be literal. However, just because one is not a Catholic and does not interpret the Bible as a Catholic, does not mean that their interpretation of the Greek and other languages used when the bible was written is incorrect.
I am basing my life and after life on what is wrote in the Bible and what is taught from the Bible. I am basing what I teach my daughter from what I have learned. If I do not understand something or my understanding is wrong, there are at least two lives that are directly affected, and that is not saying anything about the lives I touch as I go through my days. Everything I do and say is a reflection of what I am. I cannot allow that to affect people in such a way as to turn them away from the teachings in the Bible.
While I am not always right and good, neither is an institution. (If all of your freinds jumped off a bridge, would you do so?)
I try to lead by example, but then my example must be as good and right as I can possibly make it.
I know that I am probably not correct, but I really don’t recall Jesus saying, if the Catholic church says it, it is so. St. Peter, in all of his love, still had human ideas and fears. He needed to know in his heart and soul what is right. He and his faith is what Jesus built the church on, but he needed the Holy Spirit to give him the knowledge. If we are so imbued, we would not need the church. We would simply know and believe, the institution would irrelavent.
Alas, I know that I am in no such a position and all of the answers are in a collection of writings, inspired by God, but done in languages that are no longer common. Every person that interprets these, brings their own belief and understanding with them as they do this work. The best I can hope for is to be so inspired by what they have seen and interpreted, that the Holy Trinity sees fit to give me a small understanding, so I can perform their will and fullfill what tasks have been given me to perform.
I do not want this to sound precocious (bad spelling?), so if I am off base on this, I would really appreciate some help.