Narcissism in Marriage and Families is the title of a Catholic Answers programme which aired on the 6th of September 2006. It was presented by Dr Richard Fitzgibbons.
I thought that this programme was excellent and I will ensure that my soon-to-be-married daughter listens to it and investigates the website. www.maritalhealing.com
Dr Fitzgibbons spoke of the selfishness in marriage which can bring it undone. He said that too many people go into marriage thinking of ‘I’ rather than ‘we’. He spoke of the necessity of forgiveness, not condoning, and of the need for families to do things as families not as separate units who happen to live under the one roof.
I thought that this programme was excellent and I will ensure that my soon-to-be-married daughter listens to it and investigates the website. www.maritalhealing.com
Dr Fitzgibbons spoke of the selfishness in marriage which can bring it undone. He said that too many people go into marriage thinking of ‘I’ rather than ‘we’. He spoke of the necessity of forgiveness, not condoning, and of the need for families to do things as families not as separate units who happen to live under the one roof.