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ok, i’m too lazy to read, so can someone sum up for me the plot, the ideas… what is this Narnia movie all about. i have no information on it at all!!!
any primer info would be most appreciated!
The Narnia movie, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is based on the book which was the first written of the 7 books of the Chronicles of Narnia. In the first one, it is WWII. Four children are sent into the country (as many of the children of London were) for their safety. They are sent to the large house of a professor. There the youngest child, Lucy, finds an old wardrobe which she opens and through which she enters the land of Narnia. The others go through too later on and they have an adventure interacting with the persons and creatures they meet there including the evil White Witch, who has cast a spell on Narnia so that is it “always winter, but never Christmas.” They also meet talking animals and creatures from mythology as well as the “king of the forest,” Aslan the Great Lion. Wild horses couldn’t drag more out of me than that because I don’t want to spoil the story for you. Just go and enjoy, and bring your children if you have any, they will love it, and so will you!
laziness is one of the seven deadly sins… tsk tsk… READ IT! You won’t regret it!

Laura 😛
ok, i’m too lazy to read, so can someone sum up for me the plot, the ideas… what is this Narnia movie all about.
Are you kidding??? :rolleyes:
I’m not sure, but the movie looks like it’s almost trying to be a copy of LotR. The game does at least. I mean with all the battle scenes and stuff, I mean it’s probably better for the movie in whole, but in the book there was like what, one battle?
Read of all of C.S. Lewis’s books. They are great, and it will help you understand the movie even more when it comes out. I can’t wait to see the movie. It looks like they finally got it right.
Read the book. Unless you are a beginning reader it won’t take too long to read.
ok, i’m too lazy to read, so can someone sum up for me the plot, the ideas… what is this Narnia movie all about. i have no information on it at all!!!
any primer info would be most appreciated!
My husband just read it in a couple of afternoons (Thanksgiving break you know). Its a very quick and easy read, it was written for children. You’ll understand, and like, it alot better if you read it yourself.

Here’s a hint while reading it: Its allegorically Christian (but you’ll see it easily even without my hint :))
I can’t wait either. PBS did the series back in the oh, 80s and it was really good. With the special effects this should be even better.
ok, i’m too lazy to read, so can someone sum up for me the plot, the ideas… what is this Narnia movie all about. i have no information on it at all!!!
any primer info would be most appreciated!
I don’t want to spoil your fun, and I see somebody else already has, get the Lion, The witch and the Wardrobe, you can read it in one evening, same length of time many of us spend on the forums. A plot summary is not the same as reading the book, so go for it.
Are you kidding??? :rolleyes:
i have such a hard time with fiction. as a child i read fact books and encyclopedias (i’m not kidding) - and as an adult i haven’t been in the fiction section in a decade. which is odd to me since i’m an artist, but fantasy and fiction really are boring for me to get through. I prefer biographys, essays, math and science informational type books. even my wifes textbooks. i would read her college and masters program textbooks then help her with her homework if she needed it. The last book i read was a history of the civil war, 800+ pages in a few days. i loved it. because i knew in my mind it was real.
i’m tempted to try this one – it looks interesting. (the last fiction book i read was the mosquito coast in 1997 - fiction puts me to sleep and non-fiction is amazingly interesting to me… go figure that one out.)
I work for a Regal movie theatre and I can tell all of you that this movies going to be absolutely huge. We have been prepping for months for this film. Some theatres are getting at least 10 prints of the film and the earliest showtime I’ve seen is 9:30am!! In all my years working for the theatre, I’ve never known for a movie to have showtimes this early. This will be the biggest movie of the year for sure…
You must read the books. They are really great, and very engrossing. Please read them before you see the movie. I might even read them again before I see it, at least The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.
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