National Back to Church Sunday: A great idea!

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A fellow parishioner shared this video with me; she thought I would like it, and I did. It’s a simple commercial about evangelization.

Specifically, it’s advertising an event, National Back to Church Sunday, to be held September 15, 2013. Basically, the idea is that, on a very individual, person-to-person level, people invite their friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, etc. to come to church on September 15.

I really like this idea. They have local churches sign up to be included on the website so that people can find what churches are in their area, resources for local churches, endorsements from church leaders, the whole nine yards. Lots of denominations participate, evangelical, Anglican, Baptist.

No Catholics, though.

By no means is this an anti-Catholic event. Catholic parishes and dioceses do not seem to be barred from participating, there are no anti-Catholic materials on the website (that I have seen. Please, let me know if someone finds something). It just so happens that this is a Protestant event, almost like a Protestant version of Catholics Come Home.

Here’s the thing: I got more excited about bringing Catholics back to the Church and evangelizing through an event like this than I ever did about Catholics Come Home. And I say this as someone who spent four and half years away from the Church. Catholics Come Home just never excited me. An event like this, a more grassroots approach, I get excited about this!

Here’s the thing: I’m the Media Communications Administrator at my parish (a grandiose title meaning I’m the webmaster and social media guy at the parish office). I want to have an event like this. A dear friend of mine at the parish has suggested that I pitch to the pastor and the parish council simply promoting this event. I am uneasy about this approach; since the “official” event is a largely non-Catholic event, I don’t exactly like the idea of a Catholic parish promoting it.

The alternative is to try and get this off the ground ourselves as a parish: come up with a catchy name for it and get the word out. Also, if we are to go rogue and do our own event, how much do we want to rip off the other event? Structure? Timing? The timing of “Back to Church” Sunday is perfect, though. September 15 is back to school time for many families, and people are getting back into the rhythm of “real” life after summer vacation. It’s a great time to try and get people back to church.

Oh, and not to put too fine a point on it, but September 15 is the 24th Sunday of Ordinary time. The Gospel for that day is the parable of the Prodigal Son. Holy Spirit at work much?

Sorry about how ling this post was, but thanks for reading. So sum up: what’s the best way to get an event like this happening at my parish? Pitch joining the “official” campaign? Or do our own thing? If so, when?

Thanks and God bless!
A fellow parishioner shared this video with me; she thought I would like it, and I did. It’s a simple commercial about evangelization.

Specifically, it’s advertising an event, National Back to Church Sunday, to be held September 15, 2013. Basically, the idea is that, on a very individual, person-to-person level, people invite their friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, etc. to come to church on September 15.

I really like this idea. They have local churches sign up to be included on the website so that people can find what churches are in their area, resources for local churches, endorsements from church leaders, the whole nine yards. Lots of denominations participate, evangelical, Anglican, Baptist.

No Catholics, though.

By no means is this an anti-Catholic event. Catholic parishes and dioceses do not seem to be barred from participating, there are no anti-Catholic materials on the website (that I have seen. Please, let me know if someone finds something). It just so happens that this is a Protestant event, almost like a Protestant version of Catholics Come Home.

Here’s the thing: I got more excited about bringing Catholics back to the Church and evangelizing through an event like this than I ever did about Catholics Come Home. And I say this as someone who spent four and half years away from the Church. Catholics Come Home just never excited me. An event like this, a more grassroots approach, I get excited about this!

Here’s the thing: I’m the Media Communications Administrator at my parish (a grandiose title meaning I’m the webmaster and social media guy at the parish office). I want to have an event like this. A dear friend of mine at the parish has suggested that I pitch to the pastor and the parish council simply promoting this event. I am uneasy about this approach; since the “official” event is a largely non-Catholic event, I don’t exactly like the idea of a Catholic parish promoting it.

The alternative is to try and get this off the ground ourselves as a parish: come up with a catchy name for it and get the word out. Also, if we are to go rogue and do our own event, how much do we want to rip off the other event? Structure? Timing? The timing of “Back to Church” Sunday is perfect, though. September 15 is back to school time for many families, and people are getting back into the rhythm of “real” life after summer vacation. It’s a great time to try and get people back to church.

Oh, and not to put too fine a point on it, but September 15 is the 24th Sunday of Ordinary time. The Gospel for that day is the parable of the Prodigal Son. Holy Spirit at work much?

Sorry about how ling this post was, but thanks for reading. So sum up: what’s the best way to get an event like this happening at my parish? Pitch joining the “official” campaign? Or do our own thing? If so, when?

Thanks and God bless!
I think with your passion on this. you should try to get it going in your parish!! Then maybe next year several parishes will do it, then maybe the diocese and then the country. That is how many great things like this get started!!
I think with your passion on this. you should try to get it going in your parish!! Then maybe next year several parishes will do it, then maybe the diocese and then the country. That is how many great things like this get started!!
Thanks for your reply, but could you offer any thoughts or insight regarding my hesitation or answer my specific questions?

Thanks and God bless!
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