I watched a National Geographic Special on Jesus being married to Mary Magdalene and possibly having a child. Being interviewed was the author of the Davinci code. It was the stupidiest 1 hour tv show I have ever seen, even the woman who was doing this (in depth study seemed embarrassed). I really expected better from the National Geographic. The 2 PHD women being interviewed seemed to have an agenda about no women in the church and that Mary Magdalene was really more of an Apostle than the 12. The kicker was the DaVinci code hack stated that the in the Last Supper painting the apostle seated next to Jesus was really Mary Magdalene not the Apostle John as he looks more feminine and the distance apart forms a vee which shows that Leonardo was aware of Mary’s role and that vee represents a womans loins. They stated there was no evidence but that didnt stop them from going on about this idiocy. They even had a priest from Notre Dame ( I think his name was Fr. McBrien) saying it was possible but wouldn’t change anything about Christ if he was married because the Church always was backward about sex! This really cranked me up, what a bunch of idiots, I’m still foaming at the mouth. Thanks for listening!!!