National Right to Life Endorses Pro-Abortion Tom Kean in NJ Why?

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******FaxNotes – ******October 31, 2006

National Right to Life Endorses Pro-Abortion Tom Kean in NJ

There is a race for the U.S. Senate underway in New Jersey . Three candidates are running: the incumbent Democrat, Robert Menendez who is pro-abortion, Republican Tom Kean, Jr. who is pro-abortion, and a third-party candidate (Solidarity: Defend Life Platform) who is pro-life, ****N. Leonard Smith. ****

Over the past weekend, pro-life voters in New Jersey received a mailing from National Right to Life Committee urging them to oppose Menendez and vote for Tom Kean. NRLC spent over $13,000 on the piece which has a picture of a very cute baby on the front, and, on the back compares the records of Menendez and Kean on partial-birth abortion, parental notification for a minor’s abortion, and judicial nominations. Without in-depth knowledge of Kean’s actions as a New Jersey state senator, a voter reading the NRLC postcard would get the impression that Kean is better than Menendez on these issues. Fortunately, New Jersey Right to Life ****(not affiliated with NRLC) ****has all the information available on its web site, along with Tom Kean’s record in the New Jersey Senate. A response to the endorsement by NJRTL executive director Marie Tasy , follows at the end of this commentary.

Tom Kean is pro-abortion. On December 12, 2005 he provided the only Republican vote and joined with 6 Democratic Senators to release S.2913 from the Senate Budget Committee, a bill that would ask voters to approve borrowing $350 million in bonds to fund embryonic stem cell research, human cloning and trafficking in fetal tissue****. Tom Kean supports research that involves the killing of human embryos and urged Congress to override President Bush’s veto of a bill that would have expanded federal funding of embryonic stem cell research (ESCR).**** On October 19, just a few days prior to National Right to Life’s endorsement, Tom Kean said he disagrees with President Bush over the Mexico City Policy that bans foreign aid to international agencies that perform or refer for abortions.

“Tom Kean, Jr. voted three times to advance taxpayer funding of research that allows the cloning and killing of human beings through the embryo, fetal AND NEWBORN STAGES for their organs, parts and tissues.” (NJRTL Fact Sheet – 10/29/06)

In order for Republican candidates to get the support of pro-life voters, they are expected to support the pro-life principles enshrined in the Republican National Platform—principles for which we have fought long and hard over more than 30 years to retain. Those principles are:

·****The unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. ****Tom Kean does not qualify.

·Endorsement of a human life amendment to the Constitution. Tom Kean does not qualify.

·Legislation which extends Fourteenth Amendment protection to unborn children.
Tom Kean does not qualify.

·Opposition to the use of public revenues for abortions or organizations that advocate it.
Tom Kean does not qualify

·Appointment of judges who respect the sanctity of human life. Tom Kean does not qualify.

By endorsing Tom Kean, Jr., National Right to Life Committee has dramatically lowered the standard by which a candidate can seek to receive their endorsement. That is a terrible shame. Perhaps it’s all about keeping the Senate in the control of the Republican Party. If that is the case, we feel the price is too high. If a pro-abortion candidate like Tom Kean can receive campaign assistance from what is considered to be the most important pro-life organization in the country, why should future candidates think they have to take a stronger position? Why should they not support human cloning, embryonic stem cell research, trafficking in baby’s body parts, taxpayer funding of abortion, and, for that matter, abortion-on-demand?

Our view of this situation is simple. Pro-lifers do have a candidate, N. Leonard Smith, albeit a third-party candidate, for whom they can cast their votes. Liberals of every stripe will vote for Menendez who, if re-elected will vote pro-abortion and anti-life on bioethical issues. The liberals and Democrats will be responsible for every drop of innocent blood that is shed due to Menendez’ votes in the Senate. If Kean is elected, his voting record promises to be as pro-abortion as that of Menendez and Republican Senators Arlen Specter, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, and Lincoln Chafee, RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) who can usually be depended upon to try to thwart the pro-life agenda every chance they get. We believe that pro-lifers in New Jersey certainly wouldn’t want to bear responsibility for Kean’s actions in the U.S. Senate.

Both Menendez and Kean are pro-abortion. Neither one deserves a pro-life vote.

RNC/Life continues to keep the bar raised high. Please visit our website to view our PAC Report on the 2006 Congressional races.

**October 29, 2006 **

**Dear Pro-Life Friends: **

New Jersey Right to Life has decided to issue the following statement after learning that National Right to Life has sent out a postcard mailing recommending that pro-life voters vote for Tom Kean, Jr. FEC reports illustrate that National Right to Life-PAC has spent in excess of $12,000 for the use of their mailing list and postage expenses in support of pro-abortion Tom Kean Jr.’s campaign for the U. S. Senate.

New Jersey Right to Life-PAC is not supporting either one of the major party candidates for U. S. Senate. Both Republican Tom Kean, Jr. and Democrat Robert Menendez’s voting records and declared support for abortion and life-destroying embryonic stem cell research and cloning are in direct opposition to our pro-life mission and goals and make them unacceptable to pro-life voters. New Jersey Right to Life is the state’s largest pro-life organization and is not affiliated with National Right to Life or its PAC.

Although National Right to Life’s postcard in support of Tom Kean, Jr. omits the candidates’ positions on embryonic stem cell research and cloning, we feel it is necessary to provide the voting records of both Robert Menendez (D) and Tom Kean, Jr. (R) on these issues and a rebuttal to National Right to Life’s claims to demonstrate why both Kean and Menendez’s positions are unacceptable to pro-life voters. We have notified our members of a third party candidate, N. Leonard Smith, who is running on a pro-life platform.

Robert Menendez

Voted No on H.R. 534 to ban human cloning (02/27/03 Roll Call Vote #39).

Voted Yes on H.R. 810 to use federal tax dollars on research that kills living human embryos (05/24/05 Roll Call Vote # 204 and 07/18/2006 Roll Call Vote # 206).

Opposed President Bush’s July 19, 2006 veto of H. R. 810 and urged Congress to override President’s veto.

Tom Kean, Jr.

Provided the only Republican vote in Committee on a Stem Cell Bond ballot referendum authorizing the use of $350M in public bonds to fund clone and kill research as established under NJ Law, P.L. 2003, C. 203 (12/12/05 Senate Budget Committee Vote to Release S2913).

Voted Yes on S2913, a Stem Cell Bond ballot referendum authorizing the use of $350M in public bonds to fund clone and kill research as established under NJ Law, P.L. 2003, C. 203 (12/15/05 NJ Senate Vote).

Voted Yes on S1091, a Stem Cell Bond ballot referendum authorizing the use of $230M in public bonds to fund clone and kill research as established under NJ Law, P.L. 2003, C.203 (06/30/2006 NJ Senate Vote).

**Opposed President Bush’s July 19, 2006 veto of H. R. 810 and urged Congress to override the President’s veto. **

**Since National Right to Life’s postcard does not provide all the facts about Tom Kean Jr.’s record on abortion, New Jersey Right to Life provided the following information below. **

**Partial Birth Abortion **

**NRLC Claim: Tom Kean, Jr. opposes partial birth abortion and supports the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act. **

**Fact: Tom Kean, Jr. was not an elected official when the NJ partial birth abortion ban act passed the NJ Legislature and, therefore, never had to vote for it. Many pro-abortion elected officials who voted against the ban continue to claim they oppose partial birth abortion. For example, Christine Todd Whitman and former President Bill Clinton still claim to oppose partial birth abortion and state they are in support of banning the procedure even though they both vetoed the bill because it did not include a meaningless “health” exception. Since Tom Kean, Jr. did not have to actually vote for it, we don’t really know whether he would support a bill without a meaningless “health” exception. We do know, however, that Kean, Jr. voted three times to advance taxpayer funding of research that allows the cloning and killing of human beings through the embryo, fetal AND NEWBORN STAGES stages for their organs, parts and tissues. Some of these methods would, no doubt, include the procurement of brain tissue and may include partial birth abortion and/or procedures very similar to it. Kean provided the deciding and only Republican vote in committee to advance the funding of this research. See above. **

Parental Notification

**NRLC Claim: Tom Kean voted to require parental notice before an abortion is performed on a minor girl. **

Parental Notification, continued.

**Fact: NJ passed a very modest parental notice law in 1999 which even pro-abortion Christine Todd Whitman signed into law and two-thirds of the legislature (many of who were pro-abortion) voted for. The law was struck down as unconstitutional by the NJ Supreme Court. Although Tom Kean, Jr. voted with other pro-abortion members of the legislature and pro-abortion Governor Christine Todd Whitman in support of this law, he has since voted for a law in NJ which would allow a minor who is 13 years of age to consent to medical or surgical treatment without parental notice or consent. **

Judicial Nominees

**NRLC Claim: Tom Kean will vote for qualified judicial nominees. Tom Kean supported Judge Sam Alito of New Jersey for the U.S. Supreme Court. **

Fact: Tom Kean, Jr. refuses to state whether he will vote for a pro-life judicial nominee. He only came out in favor of Samuel Alito after it was clear that there was enough votes in the U.S. Senate to approve his nomination and after the NJ pro-life community expressed their doubt and concerns about whether Alito would be a reliable vote to overturn Roe v. Wade on the U. S. Supreme Court. The fact of the matter is that Alito has a mixed record on abortion and life issues and he has not yet been tested. The fact that the U. S. Supreme Court just recently refused to rehear a challenge to the Doe v. Bolton case does not appear promising.

Addenda: In the last week, Michael J. Fox has appeared in TV ads in support of candidates who support embryonic stem cell research and cloning. Tom Kean, Jr. extended an invitation to have Michael J. Fox campaign with him since Kean, Jr. agrees with Michael J. Fox. This has caused even stalwart Republicans like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity to speak out against Kean. Rush Limbaugh actually posted his views on his website. It may no longer be available there, but you can find it here: ]

**Please do not be misled into believing that Tom Kean, Jr. is pro-life or will vote pro-life if elected to the U.S. Senate. **

New Jersey Right to Life
113 North Avenue West
Cranford, NJ 07016
**(908) 276-6620 **

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Tom Kean doesnt deserve to win office. I am a Republican and I wouldnt vote for him. When Republicans become similar to Dems they usually dont win office anyways.
National Right to Life doesn’t take a stance on the plan B pill. And support Bush who is pro-abortion. Pro-life they are not.
National Right to Life doesn’t take a stance on the plan B pill. And support Bush who is pro-abortion. Pro-life they are not.
Pax tecum!

Bush is pro-abortion??? What??? Bush is pro-life.

In Christ,
Then how do you explain his shameful support of Arlen Spector who was pro-death?
Pax tecum!

Arlen Specter voted yes on a partial birth abortion ban, no on more funding for contraceptive sex ed. From what I have seen of his voting record, he votes against abortion but for embryonic stem cell research. However, as you well know, Bush vetoed funding for stem cell research. So you can hardly say that Bush is pro-abortion for that.

Please explain to me why Bush is pro-abortion. I would really like to know. Also, please explain to me why Planned Parenthood, NARAL, NOW, and every other pro-abortion organization hate Bush if he is pro-abortion.

In Christ,
Pax tecum!

Arlen Specter voted yes on a partial birth abortion ban, no on more funding for contraceptive sex ed. From what I have seen of his voting record, he votes against abortion but for embryonic stem cell research. However, as you well know, Bush vetoed funding for stem cell research. So you can hardly say that Bush is pro-abortion for that.

Please explain to me why Bush is pro-abortion. I would really like to know. Also, please explain to me why Planned Parenthood, NARAL, NOW, and every other pro-abortion organization hate Bush if he is pro-abortion.

In Christ,
Bush funded Planned Parenthood the day he came in office. The ruling on partial birth abortion couuld be ruled by the Supreme Court as vague. And what excuse will the Republicans this time?
Pax tecum!

And a year later he took away all the funding and has denounced them and abortion repeatedly. He referred to partial birth abortion as “a barbaric procedure” on national television before an election in which about half the country already hated him.

You didn’t answer my question. If Bush is pro-abortion, then why do all the pro-abortion organizations hate him and call him anti-abortion?

In Christ,
Pax tecum!

And a year later he took away all the funding and has denounced them and abortion repeatedly. He referred to partial birth abortion as “a barbaric procedure” on national television before an election in which about half the country already hated him.

You didn’t answer my question. If Bush is pro-abortion, then why do all the pro-abortion organizations hate him and call him anti-abortion?

In Christ,
Bush is pro-abortion because he doesn’t take stance on the plan b pill. That’s why. I even sign a petition on asking Congress to stop funding Planned Parenthood. How do you explain that? The record speaks for itself.
Bush signed the ban on partial birth abortion. The word ban literally means to eliminate all, not just a few right? Of course.

The law partial birth abortion law states:

14 (C) (C) A prominent medical association has concluded that partial-birth abortion is not an accepted medical practice', that it has never been subject to even a minimal amount of the normal medical practice development,’ that the relative advantages and disadvantages of the procedure in specific circumstances remain unknown,' and that there is no consensus among obstetricians about its use’. The association has further noted that partial-birth abortion is broadly disfavored by both medical experts and the public, is ethically wrong,' and is never the only appropriate procedure’.

Here’s what it *really *says:

“This subsection does not apply to a partial-birth abortion that is necessary to save the life of a mother whose life is endangered by a physical disorder, physical illness, or physician injury, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself. This subsection takes effect 1 day after the enactment.”

The law contradicts itself and honestly does NOT truly ban partial birth abortion.
Pax tecum!

So would you rather have not had Bush sign the bill at all? Would you rather all partial birth abortions were legal instead of only some?

And you’ve now avoided my question twice. I will ask it again. If Bush is pro-abortion, then why do all the pro-abortion organizations hate him and call him anti-abortion? If you don’t have an answer for this, just say so. Don’t keep side stepping it.

In Christ,
Pax tecum!

So would you rather have not had Bush sign the bill at all? Would you rather all partial birth abortions were legal instead of only some?

If Bush is pro-abortion, then why do all the pro-abortion organizations hate him and call him anti-abortion?
The Law contradicts itself so it doesn’t really protect unborn babies, you’re just simply ignoring the facts. They hate Bush cause he doesn’t help the poor and he’s like I’ve said before pro-life with exceptions. Facts are facts.
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