**Justice O’Connor announces her retirement
President Bush will now nominate a new justice, who must survive the minefield of Senate confirmation. Senators Boxer, Leahy, Schumer, Clinton, Kennedy and others will stand in the way. In some ways the coming fight to confirm a true constructionist who respects the words and real meaning of the Constitution will be every bit as bitter as the fight to confirm Robert Bork in 1987.
And we lost that fight. And because we lost that fight, abortion has remained legal through all nine months of pregnancy in the United States.
There are three critically important things you can do to help President Bush get a new Supreme Court justice confirmed:
#1 Please contribute to National Right to Life’s grassroots effort to confirm President Bush’s nominee to the Supreme Court. Pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood, NARAL and People for the American Way have already begun massive projects to use media, e-mail lists and grassroots campaigns to get the Senate to stall and defeat any judge who respects the Constitution as written. They know they need activist judges to continue to legislate from the bench if they want to keep a so-called “constitutional right” to abortion.
Please help National Right to Life advertise, lobby and activate the pro-life grassroots in our campaign by donating through NRLC’s website, www.nrlc.org; or by phoning our office to donate by credit card at 202-626-8813; or by sending a generous contribution to National Right to Life, 512 10th St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20004.
#2 Call your two U.S. Senators now and ask them to vote for a justice who will interpret the words and actual meaning of the Constitution, not legislate from the bench.
The phone number for the U.S. Capitol switchboard is 202-224-2421.
#3 Please forward this important e-mail message to every pro-life friend and every person you know who cares about the integrity of the U.S. Constitution.
Again, please visit our website at www.nrlc.org to donate to our grassroots campaign, and thank you for all you can do to help us protect unborn children at this critical time.
- here’s what you can do to help**
President Bush will now nominate a new justice, who must survive the minefield of Senate confirmation. Senators Boxer, Leahy, Schumer, Clinton, Kennedy and others will stand in the way. In some ways the coming fight to confirm a true constructionist who respects the words and real meaning of the Constitution will be every bit as bitter as the fight to confirm Robert Bork in 1987.
And we lost that fight. And because we lost that fight, abortion has remained legal through all nine months of pregnancy in the United States.
There are three critically important things you can do to help President Bush get a new Supreme Court justice confirmed:
#1 Please contribute to National Right to Life’s grassroots effort to confirm President Bush’s nominee to the Supreme Court. Pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood, NARAL and People for the American Way have already begun massive projects to use media, e-mail lists and grassroots campaigns to get the Senate to stall and defeat any judge who respects the Constitution as written. They know they need activist judges to continue to legislate from the bench if they want to keep a so-called “constitutional right” to abortion.
Please help National Right to Life advertise, lobby and activate the pro-life grassroots in our campaign by donating through NRLC’s website, www.nrlc.org; or by phoning our office to donate by credit card at 202-626-8813; or by sending a generous contribution to National Right to Life, 512 10th St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20004.
#2 Call your two U.S. Senators now and ask them to vote for a justice who will interpret the words and actual meaning of the Constitution, not legislate from the bench.
The phone number for the U.S. Capitol switchboard is 202-224-2421.
#3 Please forward this important e-mail message to every pro-life friend and every person you know who cares about the integrity of the U.S. Constitution.
Again, please visit our website at www.nrlc.org to donate to our grassroots campaign, and thank you for all you can do to help us protect unborn children at this critical time.