We would cry foul if a Judge believed it OK to treat a group of evil individuals differently than he does a single individual. We would have him off the bench in an instant.
Strange though, even when the stakes for individuals run the extreme from burning forever and living in bliss forever no individual seems to see the injustice of it. Like an assembly line of zombies we are fuel for inferno.
We as conveniently packaged carbon based units, so well formed we have a niche in hades to accept our bodies. The pitfalls in our world is like a gauntlet, almost seems like we are meant to be here to amuse.
One such entity gets off scott free and always gets limited punitive measures by God. This entity meets the criteria, and is not even spritual and is inflicted with original sin like individuals. This enity can reason, make good and bad choices, make bad laws with impunity, and treat other entities horribly. This entity invokes Devine assistance and gets special treatment from the Pope, thereby binding itself to God's authority and laws, and one would assume his judgement. The Pope will ask God to forgive it, but will not insist it follow through the same process the individual would to save himself. This entity feigns individual attributes in that he would like to be treated like an individual where receipt of God's goodness is abundant. The extent of God's wrath upon it is always limited to being smitten and earthly death. It loves display of success in ticker tape parades, but discreetly passes it's errors to the discomfort of individuals whin it's bosom when it fails.
This entity is called nation, a collective of individuals who on occasion action evil, knowing God will only administer temporal punishment to it collectively, and never the extreme of damnation in hades collectively. Oh that man could be so privledged. Man would like the same justice, only temporal and extinction, or at least see nations sent to damnation collectively on occasion. Only then can we see true justice being done.
Evidence such as the Fatima display of hades does not bear this out. The witnesses do not see nations falling, only individuals. We have evidence of Sodom,Gemorah and the Philistines suffering limited punishment even though damnation for intentional unrepentant decreed mortal sin is evident in these cases. Collective actions require collective justice, how else is this form to know punitive controlling measures.
Man is indeed receiving the raw end of the deal. But it is not that we don't notice this unbalanced scale, no, because the hallowed halls of heaven will cry out for justice at every individual's trial, as now he has a case for presentation, and he will be correct. All eyes will be on the floor as the foundation shakes has injustice cannot bear residing there. Some individuals will be damned, but their brief case will contain cases of injustice that will shame heaven, and that my friends is the naked truth.
It is not too late. We all shout praise at God's justice to individuals as they head for the inferno, but the true justice we have not witnessed yet, have we?