Lets define the properties of matter as Z={X,Y} where X are the properties of natural state and Y are the properties of Supernatural state (or hidden properties).
Sounds good.
Lets define the force/interaction between these two state of matter as Fzz={Fxx,Fxy,Fyx,Fyy}
At first blush, I think there may be a problem with this, but there also might not be. It certainly could cause problems if the term force is not defined properly. The concept of force that we have in our experience is based on natural forces. This concept may be inapplicable to the spiritual world. On the other hand, if it is inapplicable, that wouldn’t automatically invalidate the equation you just gave. If our concept of force is inapplicable to the spiritual world, then we could just set Fy to zero. A potential consequence is that doing this could drastically reduce the usability of your equation.
Fij denotes the interaction between the states of i and j where the state of i causes a force Fij on the state j.
Sounds good.
I’m with you so far, I think. And so far, this is my favorite sentence in your post. Translated, it means the force of one thing on another is not the same thing as its opposite. It’s a true statement even outside this particular context.
Now lets [suppose] the properties of matter are locally adjusted such that Fxy=0. This means that Natural state cannot cause any force on Supernatural state but not vice verse.
This seems at least questionable. It seems possible for some natural things, such as people, to affect spiritual things, such as angels.
We can assume that Fyx=0 which means that Supernatural state cannot cause any force on Natural state but not vice versa.
This seems like a questionable assumption, if I am understanding it correctly. It seems that angels can cause forces on natural things, such as plants and animals.
Two states are completely independent when Fxy=Fyx=0.
That seems reasonable.
Think of Angels when they can hear us but we can experience them.
I think you mean cannot, right?
This means that Fyx=0 and Fxy=/=0.
Only given your prior assumptions, at least one of which is questionable.
We cannot do the opposite because we don’t know how to set Fxy=0 and Fyx=/=0. Perhaps that is impossible too.
I’m not sure what you mean by these two sentences. Do you mean we cannot interact with angels?
By matter I mean the stuff that a being or thing is made of. Anything has to have a form which is impossible without matter.
I think it is possible for a thing to exist without form. I think you are saying that is impossible. Why?
Also, I think there is a potential problem with your definition of matter. It seems possible for something to exist without being made of anything more basic than itself. For example, take matter itself. If the definition of “matter” is “the stuff that a thing is made of,” then the stuff that matter is made of seems like it must be matter. And in that case, we have identified something that is not made of anything more basic than itself. It is as basic as you can get. In that case, it seems circular to ask what matter is made of. Matter is made of matter is made of matter, and it’s matter all the way down.
Well, if one thing can be like that, why not another? If matter can be basic in this sense, why not spirit? Anyway, those are some of my initial thoughts. Please let me know what you think.