How does natural family planning work when a woman doesn’t have a period for a year, due to breast feeding?
You question is a little vague, so I’m not sure exactly what you are driving at.How does natural family planning work when a woman doesn’t have a period for a year, due to breast feeding?
When my husband and I took NFP my teacher told us when to avoid intercourse during a normal 28 day cycle, but they didn’t say anything about what to do if you are not having a cycle.You question is a little vague, so I’m not sure exactly what you are driving at.
NFP works in this situation the way it works in every other situation. You chart and observe your fertility every day and make decisions based upon what you observe.
A woman who is breastfeeding may have a prolonged period of infertility, and therefore her observations would reflect that. She still needs to watch for the signs of returing fertility each day.
Does that answer your question?
I do not drive and my husband is not willing to drive that far for several reasons. One being that we are low income and can not afford the gas. However, I will definitly look into the home study course. Thank YouCouple to Couple League ccli.org has a Home Study Course to learn the sympto-thermal method.
You could also try looking on the websites of CCLI, BOMA and CREIGHTON to see if they list other teachers in your area. I’m from central Indiana and know Goshen is far north, but you could drive to Columbia City, Indy, Fort Wayne, Chicago or even a close MI town (Kalamazoo) that has a teacher. You could email them and see about setting up a meeting time (crash course) to learn a method.
I hope that helps!
Sorry, I didn’t mean to confuse the issuePlease be aware that sympto-thermal teaches mucous as well. I use this sign when I’m breastfeeding/postpartem and I’ve never had a Billings course. Just an fyi. Mucous and cervix are the first signs and temp is the cross check. I like the crosscheck, personally, then I’m sure what’s happening.
You have to find a method you are comfortable with that works with your situation.
Without a cycle you don’t know for sure what phase you’re in. The only thing you can do is watch your mucous and cervical position to monitor ovulation. Once you start seeing those signs, you can take your temperature as a cross check to see if you actually ovulated (indicated by a significant temperature rise)…How does natural family planning work when a woman doesn’t have a period for a year, due to breast feeding?
Malia,Sorry, I didn’t mean to confuse the issue…I’m just very tired.
In my case, I never got very good at interpretting the mucus becuase I had the temp to rely on. So if I had “iffy” mucus then I would just wait until my temp told me what was going on before resuming relations.
I didn’t think ahead to the postpartum period where I would be in pre-ovulation phase for many months!!!
What method of NFP did you learn? Sympto-thermal, Creighton, and Billings are not based on a “28 day cycle”.When my husband and I took NFP my teacher told us when to avoid intercourse during a normal 28 day cycle, but they didn’t say anything about what to do if you are not having a cycle.
I’m not sure what form of NFP it was. All I know is that it is the only one in my area.What method of NFP did you learn? Sympto-thermal, Creighton, and Billings are not based on a “28 day cycle”.
The observations of mucus, cervix, and/or temperature are the basis of these methods. You can observe these fertility signs at any time-- post partum included. They are not contingent on any specific type of cycle.
Post-partum you will see mucus as your body begins trying to ovulate. That would be a fertile sign.
Please do look into a home study course. Or, get a copy of the book Taking Charge Of Your Fertility.