JMJ / MMM 080920 Saturday
Dear utunumsint –
I like your user name. It’s equivalent to, “So that God may be all in all.” 1 Cor 15:28. That day will be!
You asked a question, “Is there a philosophical justification for natural law not based on Aquinas/Aristotle, or Augustine/Plato?” Absolutely yes. After I’ve shared a little I’ll refer you to two of the most valued books I’ve encountered in my long life.
In our search for truth with our rational intellect we continually seek to purify and enlarge what we come to know to more and more simple and basic and comprehensive understandings.
There is reasoning … and there is (using this term philosophiclly) intuition. Using reasoning we grasp A … and then grasp B … then see a connection between the two … and draw a new conclusion, C. Using intuition we grasp the conclusion instantly. Example= 1 plus 1 equals 2. We’ve gone beyond reasoning to an immediate grasp of a truth.
Some of these intuitions are easier to grasp for some people than for others (babies, children, mentally impaired). St Thomas even refers to the “sapientes” among us all, to those who are “more wise” – not because of superiority but simple by their circumstances.
There are a few most basic truths of reality we are able to grasp. These are described as “metaphysical truths” and they are absolutely necessary and universal and not dependent on any decision by God. They are rather a kind of reflection of God Himself necessarily in God’s creation. One can appreoach them with the help of reason but when one finally “grasps” the meaning, all reasoning becomes merely preparatory and is no longer necessary. One has not only “grasped” the particular truth, one has BECOME that truth; it has entered into “our bones” and cannot be removed. We grasp them by an intution, an immediate recognition of their truth.
They are often described this way –
1 – The Principle of Identity= Every being is what it is … and is not something else. (“Principle” here means a source-truth from which other truths can be derived either by reasoning or by another intuition.)
2 – The Principle of Sufficient Reason (better name=of Adequate Explanation)= Every being – and this includes GOD – has, either in itself or in another, a sufficient accounting for its existence.
2a – The Principle of Contradiction (this is really a corollary to “Sufficient Reason”)= A being cannot be and not be at the same time and in the same situation.
3 – The Principle of Finality= Every being that acts (is an agent), acts for a specific purpose.
To intuit these basics and “metaphysically necessary” took me slow and patient efforts and God’s Blessing over quite a few years. Now I don’t believe or accept them from an other. I KNOW their eternal truth even better than I know myself.
All the above is in no way dependent upon God’s revelation or supernatural grace. All the above is available to any human being with the use of his/her faculties.
I said I would mention two books. The first is priceless and difficult. The second is almost priceless and easier to read and understand. Its writer has a remarkable gift to make clear the difficult. Here they are –
1 –
The Degrees of Knowledge, by Jacques Maritain, 1959, Charles Scribner’s Sons; translation by Phelan, not by Bernard Wall.
2 –
Nature, Knowledge, and God, by Brother Benignus FSC, Bruce Publishing (no longer exists), 1947.
Don’t turn your nose up about the old dates. The Bible’s pretty old too, you know. I can point toward where getting the second book.
Blessing of Jesus and Mary on you and on all.
John (JohnJFarren)
two books