Nature vs. Nurture
Spiritually speaking, God defined and designed us to fit into the ‘traditional’ gender roles of society.
Men are built with more upper body strength for instance, because they were designed for hard labor. Meanwhile, woman’s body was designed for bearing and raising children.
If we get into the role that society has played on gender roles, I can only call it disgusting. Perhaps it is because I was raised in a Catholic Christian household that I feel so strongly about this subject. I was raised with dolls, and my brothers with trucks, I was raised learning the teachings of the church and firmness, my brothers taught to support the Church without doubt. As children we were all allowed to play in the mud and such, I made mud pie, my brothers pretended sticks were swords. Outdoor play was not regulated in any way but we were naturally drawn to typical roles. Children who are raised without gender definition are not happy, because they aren’t sure where they fit into the world. Granted “Metrosexuality” seems to be becoming more common amongst males, it is not natural. Even though I am sure that I will get a lot of argument on what I am about to say it needs to be said. Metrosexuality is the product of mothers raising sons withut a strong father figure in place, and perhaps even, women raising thier sons to NOT be like thier fathers.
Traditional gender roles have been tabu for far too long, but they are something that we as Christians should be reenforcing. I am not saying that women should not be in the work force, I think that single and childless women can work without guilt, but we should not let our careers get in the way of becoming what we should be, namely mothers. I’ve already discussed in another thread the roles of women in the church, and I don’t think that motherhood is limited to biological children.
Men are our strength, physically and emmotionally. That is why they head the church.
If we tiptoe around this and allow it to fester the body of Chirst will become ill with it.