Dear AServantofGod,
I guess you want to find out if this person is really a Catholic at heart? Here’s some basic questions that will clue you in real fast.
- Do you believe that Christ established only one visible Church, that being the Catholic Church?
- Do you believe the final authority in matters of faith and morals is the Bible only (i.e. sola fide) or Sacred Tradition and the Bible as interpreted by the magisterium of the Catholic Church?
- Do you hold to the teachings of the Catholic Church as defined in the Catechism of the Catholic Church?
You probably won’t have to ask him anymore than these questions to determine if he’s an orthodox Catholic or a stealth Protestant in Catholic name only. Any wavering or hedging of his answers probably means he’s a Catholic not well formed in his faith and therefore probably shouldn’t be leading Bible studies until he’s better grounded.
God bless,