Navy SEAL or Priest?

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I am feeling really torn right now.

For the past few years of my life, I have had this desire to become a priest wandering in the back of my mind. It was a sort of dichotomy between “Yeah, this is actually what I am going to do” and “Well, I don’t know”. But about four months ago, my friend gave me this book about the Navy SEALs, and I was amazed. I had always (In the “Well, I don’t know” category) thought about joining a branch of the military when I grow up. So, over the past few months, I have learned more and more about the Navy SEALs and found that I really want to become a Navy SEAL.

But today, something hit me. It came to me that I can no longer be lukewarm in my decisions for what I want to do in life. Next year (Junior year), I will have to start looking into colleges and really start deciding what I want to do in life. I can no longer just say to people “Yeah, I’m considering becoming a Navy SEAL” and have nothing to show for it (like exercise). And I can no longer say “Yeah, I am considering becoming a priest” when I can’t even read through my YOUCAT book.

I also cannot find a middle ground either. I cannot be 100% committed to what I end up doing if I have guilt for not doing the other. I also cannot just join the Navy SEALs and then, when my contract is out, head over to the seminary because I will
a) feel like I have not done enough in the military and
b) will not be %100 committed to the SEALs when I am in.

I realize that most of you will just tell me to talk to my spiritual director, but I know that, if I end up becoming a SEAL, then I feel like I would have maybe left my vocation to the priesthood and screwed things up. Or, if I become a priest, I will not be able to become a great priest because I will not be able to let go of the fact that I could become a SEAL.

I am really torn, so if any of you have any good advice, please share. I am sick of being lukewarm my whole life.
One of the priests at my parish fought in WWII, did his four years, went to seminary, went back to the Navy, retired as a Navy Chaplin, and now he is at my parish. So, if you really want to do both you could.

I don’t know how much research you have done about the SEALs, but it is extremely tough training. You won’t join the Navy as a SEAL. You will enter DEP with a regular rate. You will have to pass the PST before you can switch your rate to SO. I think you have to take the PST in boot camp, as well. Know that just because you WANT to be a SEAL doesn’t mean that you will be a SEAL. If you don’t meet the standards the Navy wants, you will be put into a regular rate and you will finish your contract with the Navy. The graduation rate isn’t very high from BUD/S. If you want a shot at it, start training for it. Like, yesterday.
You could be a Navy Military Chaplin. Our priest knows a ton of SEALS.
I can understand what your going through, for several years I wanted to be an Air Force PJ, and had Priesthood in the back of my mind. Then one day I picked up a book on St. Thomas Aquinas, Reading it just inspired me to want to be a priest, because of the simple joy expressed in the book.

I will pray for you.
Thank you both for your answers.

I know that it is extremely tough to become a SEAL, and that is exactly what attracts me. So maybe I could train and focus on that until I get there and then, if I still want to become a priest, become a Navy Chaplain afterwards. Does that sound reasonable, or…?
You don’t always have to know what you are going to be. I would pray about it and if you still feel like thats a good plan go ahead. If you train to be a Navy Seal you keep your options open.
Navy Chaplain is really good, you can do both military and clergy
I know this may be the answer you don’t want to hear, but just be patient. I am a year ahead of you (about to go into senior year) and as much as you might want to commit to a career path and be done with it forever, that will not happen. There have been times where I’ve been dead-set on entering West Point, applying to Notre Dame, going overseas for a few years then coming back for college, enlisting and then going to college, and many, many times I’ve thought my vocation was to the priesthood. Each time, I thought the path I had decided on was THE path and I would never switch again. Each time, I was proven wrong. Right now, I am once again set on the priesthood. But who knows? Maybe God will have me meet a beautiful, young, and holy Catholic girl and I will wonder why I ever thought of the priesthood, but maybe not. God deals us our hand, but we have to use our free will to decide what to do with it.

My prayer for you:

Heavenly Father, bless your son Timothy and guide him in his next years of school as he prepares to enter adulthood. Protect him from the temptations of the devil and give him the spirit of wisdom to discern your calling for him. If you will it, show him that you want him to become a Navy SEAL or a priest, or show him that neither of these paths is his. Amen.

I encourage you to do more research about the SEAL’s–as others have said, actually becoming a SEAL will be extremely difficult…but the same is true for becoming a priest, albeit in a different way. Good luck.
Every once in a while the Military Channel and Discovery Channel will air a 3-part segment about Navy SEAL training (you can always purchase the DVD set too, called something like “BUDS , Class 234”). If you can catch the show, you’ll be able to visualize some of the physical training the candidates are expected to do (in addition to what you’ve read about), how the instructors interact with the men, and what is expected of them.

As Kendra said, it’s not something you jump into upon enlisting. If it’s a serious consideration of yours however, it’s definitely a good idea to start physical training and conditioning now.

I don’t remember what the average SEAL retirement age is, but I imagine future priesthood could always remain a possibility.

Good luck in your discernment.🙂
Plan hard. Life sometimes throws a curveball and you get neither. I’d speak to a recruiter if you were serious about being a SEAL.
I think you may be missing the crux of the matter. What you have to do is to discern what God wants you to do with your life, not what you should decide to do. This is the only way to come to an honest decision. And yes, you will need good spiritual guidance from someone you trust.
Either path you end up taking, it will not be easy. A lot of hard work, effort, and prayer will necessarily have to be put forth - both before and after your decision.
It sounds like you did a little research into these two choices….just a little. If you are really going to spend the rest of your life devoted to one or the other, you need to take your time, and do a lot more research into each. I understand you may feel “you have to make a choice now” but, at my ripe old age of 66, I can tell you that you have the time to seek what God is telling you.
A SEAL’s life is hard. I think the challenges you may find in the priesthood will be even more difficult.
Another thing to consider is what you may be required to do after you become a priest or a SEAL. Understand all that is required of you in each. Training is interesting and can be fun and exciting and ‘romantic’. Don’t forget, you will be working in your vocation for the rest of your life.
Take your time, ask God for guidance (He guides us through many different ways: people, occurrences, experiences. He even “talks” to us in our prayer). Be alert for the times he talks to you! Talk to people who have similar vocations, even if you cannot speak to an actual SEAL. I am sure you know a veteran or two who will tell you what war is like (and I assure you, it IS hell). And I am sure you know priests who will be more than willing to talk to you. Check out some of the religious orders also, i.e… Franciscans, Carmelites, etc.
Bottom line, pray, research, pray, listen, pray, talk, pray. God bless, and don’t forget, you have time….
I’m going to disagree for the most part with everything that has been said. Go to seminary. Study to be a priest. Your question is very telling, Priesthood or SEAL. The fact that you are considering Priesthood speaks volumes about you. You find faith very important and want to serve God and his will in your life. That you are considering being a SEAL (not just military) says that you want to be the “best of the best” and desire to prove that you are physically and mentally. Both options offer discipline, structure, following orders, and in varying degrees serving and protecting others.

I suggest Seminary, because regardless of which option you choice you may ultimately not finish through to the end. If this happens you will have changed yourself through the training you have received. Seminary trains young men in prayer, contemplation, and the faith. All of which will be useful in anyone’s life. Military trains young people in Military service some of which can be helpful in life outside of military. Seminaries are run by the church which cares for the souls of the faithful. The Military is run by politicians who care about various political things.

Ultimately it comes down to what God wants or man wants. If God wants you to be a priest (or even just explore seminary) you will feel a tug no matter where you go or what you do. It’s best to explore that early. You can strive to be the “best of the best priest”. I don’t intend to put down military service I think it is very respectable, but comparing saving one’s life and saving one’s soul is a easy choice.

Last thing to consider their is a shortage of priests and an abundance of military go where the need is the greatest.

I was in seminary for a year. It was a wonderful experience, and whether you get ordained or not, you will never be the same afterwards, for the better. I discerned to step away from seminary due to identity conflict, struggles with anxiety and holiness.

My suggestion to you is to take a sheet of paper and write Navy Seal on one side and Priest on the other, then write every pro and con you can possibly think of, give each one a weight of +1 and -1 or something like that, whatever adds up and carries the most weight is probably your best option.

I would recommend seminary/priesthood as that is a warfare of its on being on the highest level, the front lines for our Lord.

Our military is under attack by darkness / progressive leadership via “political correctness” so if you enlist please be advised you will be persecuted. You might want to bookmark this site and keep tabs on Starnes’ articles:

I encourage you to read the book “Blessings from the Battlefield” by Thomans R. O’Brien:
One of the priests at my parish fought in WWII, did his four years, went to seminary, went back to the Navy, retired as a Navy Chaplin, and now he is at my parish. So, if you really want to do both you could.

I don’t know how much research you have done about the SEALs, but it is extremely tough training. You won’t join the Navy as a SEAL. You will enter DEP with a regular rate. You will have to pass the PST before you can switch your rate to SO. I think you have to take the PST in boot camp, as well. Know that just because you WANT to be a SEAL doesn’t mean that you will be a SEAL. If you don’t meet the standards the Navy wants, you will be put into a regular rate and you will finish your contract with the Navy. The graduation rate isn’t very high from BUD/S. If you want a shot at it, start training for it. Like, yesterday.
You can take the PST from what I remember in my research, either before and/or during navy basic training. But before you can take the PST you have to pick a different rate first.
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