July 1947 indictment by Allies of SS Race and Settlement
Office leaders:
Kidnapping the children of foreign nationals in order to
select for Germanization those who were considered of
‘racial value.’… Encouraging and compelling abortions
on Eastern workers… Preventing marriages and
hampering reproduction of enemy nationals.
Cited in
Black, Edwin. 2003. War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s
Campaign to Create a Master Race (NY: Four Walls Eight Windows),
550pp., 405.
Darwin on selection of Spartan children
Office leaders:
Kidnapping the children of foreign nationals in order to
select for Germanization those who were considered of
‘racial value.’… Encouraging and compelling abortions
on Eastern workers… Preventing marriages and
hampering reproduction of enemy nationals.
Cited in
Black, Edwin. 2003. War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s
Campaign to Create a Master Race (NY: Four Walls Eight Windows),
550pp., 405.
Darwin on selection of Spartan children
- Proctor, Robert N. 1988. Racial Hygiene: Medicine under the Nazis
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press), 414pp., 123.