I give this a “meh”. The plot and advertisement is thin, the situation and set-up is almost to campy (to surreal to even be stomached), and the theological aspects will be so stretched that it will hardly be recognizable as any aspect of the Christian faith.
Will it be Anti-Catholic? Probably. The nun will be shown as being much more aware than the priests and the church heirarchy (which I am presuming will be made to look like feeble old men unfamiliar with scripture). The scientist will be converted, the world will end with only the everyday believers being aware of the situation.
Lets face it, this is comming from a network that takes pot-shots at the faith whenever it can. The only thing I can say is that this miniseries looks so badly put together that I am not real concerned with any implications on the faith.
Will it tork me off? HECK yeah. But there are shows that are a lot more heretical and secular than this that make a joke out of our Lord. I see a flop in the works. I really wish a network would REALLY take a chance and create a miniseries/show based on the truth of our faith, not what the seculars say is the truth.
Just my thoughts.