NEA bolsters gays on policy, practices

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NEA bolsters gays on policy, practices
By George Archibald


Published July 8, 2005

LOS ANGELES – The National Education Association ended its four-day
convention here with a big victory for members promoting homosexual advocacy, but
debate by conservatives seeking resolutions condemning adult-minor sexual contact
and supporting respect for “all living things” was cut off.

“It was a very obvious attempt to stifle dissent on issues with which they
disagree – biblical issues or issues on the political right,” said David
Kaiser, a retired teacher from Ohio, who was blocked from discussing his proposal to
strike language allowing the right to abortion from the union’s
family-planning policy.

The 9,000 delegates at the 2.7-million-member union’s yearly business meeting
also blocked a proposal by Ohio delegate Keith Gudorf to put the NEA on
record that its long time policy of “compassion and respect for all living things”
in an animal vivisection section also applied to humans in the family-planning

Also blocked was a proposal by California delegate Diane Lenning, ousted
chairwoman of the NEA Republican Educators Caucus, to amend the union’s
sexual-assault policy to state that “the association deplores the advocacy of
adult/minor sexual contact.”

But convention delegates resoundingly referred the conservative delegates’
proposed resolution amendments to its national resolutions committee, thus
killing discussion and action at the meeting that ended Wednesday.

The convention handed the large Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Caucus
approval of its proposal for the union to “develop a comprehensive strategy
to deal with the new and more sophisticated attacks on school curricula,
policies, and practices that support GLBT students, families, and staff members in
public schools.”

The “new business item” offered by the chairman of the homosexual caucus,
Connecticut delegate Thomas Nicholas, was predicated on his assertion that
“extremist groups are using increasingly sophisticated and aggressive tactics to
attack school districts with affirming GLBT policies, curriculum, and practices.”

Mr. Nicholas told the convention that a third of GLBT students drop out of
high school because of harassment and that four out of five daily face verbal or
physical harassment at school.

NEA President Reg Weaver stopped debate when booing interrupted Pennsylvania
delegate Sissy Jochmann, who said she opposed the proposal because
homosexual-affirming programs in schools fail to point out that “some people who have
same-sex attraction have changed … and instead have successfully actualized
their heterosexual potential and are now ex-gay.”

Mrs. Jochmann said youths who experience same-sex attraction “have a right to
hear the stories of former homosexuals and be exposed to the research that
validates them in order to help them make informed personal decisions.”
Why do public school teachers need a “Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Caucus”?

Why do teachers find it necessary to take a position on abortion and have a “family-planning” policy?
it is extremely important for people to keep track of how the gay lib movement works politically, because the move to legalize adult-minor “relationships” and lower the age of consent is a key part of the agenda, as any study of their propaganda will show. This is already being worked out in the legislatures of several countries and in unions and other organizations like NEA, APA. Consent age was recently lowered in Britain, and the NAMBLA agenda is irrevocably tied to all gay lib political activity.
puzzleannie…had to look up “APA”. American Psychological Association? Read a little about its agenda. Is the APA very powerful?

I don’t get teachers. At least half of Americans are opposed to abortion. Add in the other things the NEA wants and the opposition must top 80%. How did we end up with our schools preaching the exact opposite of what most Americans want taught? And why can’t it be stopped? Every year the NEA position becomes more radical, more out of step with the country.
The NEA homosexual curriculum will not allow mention that homosexual activity greatly increases the risk of AIDS.
When do parents say enough! Why dont the schools go back to teaching the basics…perhaps then we would have an educated society and not a bunch of kids that know how to put a condom on a banana!

Keep all aspects of sex out of the schools and put it back where it belongs in the home!!!
puzzleannie…had to look up “APA”. American Psychological Association? Read a little about its agenda. Is the APA very powerful?

I don’t get teachers. At least half of Americans are opposed to abortion. Add in the other things the NEA wants and the opposition must top 80%. How did we end up with our schools preaching the exact opposite of what most Americans want taught? And why can’t it be stopped? Every year the NEA position becomes more radical, more out of step with the country.
all teachers are not necessarily members and do not necessarily support NEA or AFT policies, AFT is the actual AFL-CIO teachers union, NEA calls themselve a professional organization, both general support and lobby for the liberal democratic political agenda.

Leadership of the unions has long sinced ceased to represent or reflect the opinions and best interests of their membership. When the scandal of sex abuse in the public schools finally breaks into the news (if they ever get tired of reporting on priests and bishops) it will dwarf everything that has happened in the church, and I hope the media frenzy turns on the teachers unions who have done so much to protect teachers accused of abuse from prosecution and job loss.

APA are those fine folks who changed the definition of homosexuality from a recognized psychiatric disorder to acceptable, normal lifestyle church, largely influence by the research of Kinsey, whose errors of method and conclusions have been widely refuted.
APA are those fine folks who changed the definition of homosexuality from a recognized psychiatric disorder to acceptable, normal lifestyle church, largely influence by the research of Kinsey, whose errors of method and conclusions have been widely refuted.
Also influenced, apparently, by the fact that a majority of the governing board of the APA considered themselves gay at the time of the change in the diagnostic manual.
I would like to believe the leadership doesn’t reflect the view of most teachers but I’m convinced it does. On forum after forum, I see teachers defending the union and taking positions identical to the radical left. Maybe they are just bought off. They like the security, vacations, holidays, medical insurance and money. They are afraid school choice will mean less money for them. They fear the “religious right” and “extremists”. They are true believers. I don’t know the reason. The fact is, with 2.7 million members, teachers could change the policies of the union anytime they wish.

I know many conservative teachers who do not go along with the NEA. Everyone of them tells me they are a minority in their school system.
Recently the state of Washington ended compulsory teacher membership in NEA and membership dropped. Even in Right to Work states some must pay dues to keep their jobs. Their membership is high due to coercion.

Challenges have been made against NEA leadership but NEA operatives are firmly in control.

I am still upset that the NEA is putting gay advocacy and sexual experimentation into the schools. CDC now reports 15 million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases each year but the NEA mocks abstinence…
Why do public school teachers need a “Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Caucus”?

Why do teachers find it necessary to take a position on abortion and have a “family-planning” policy?

This is their Union, and the people who were meeting were their union representatives and political activists. The NEA is a Creature of the Democratic National Party, and all of the positions they took were consistent with those of the Democratic National Party.

Now this should demonstrate that the Teacher’s Unions don’t really care about Children, except as political pawns to be used to make their points and keep their careers going.

Please remember this the next time the NEA and the DNC takes a position against vouchers or Home Schooling, or the State Teachers’ Union gets the State legislature to pass a law outlawing Home Schooling.

This is something I think Catholic parents should consider sending their children to the public schools.

Blessed are they who act to save the Innocent. Michael
I would like to believe the leadership doesn’t reflect the view of most teachers but I’m convinced it does. On forum after forum, I see teachers defending the union and taking positions identical to the radical left. Maybe they are just bought off. They like the security, vacations, holidays, medical insurance and money. They are afraid school choice will mean less money for them. They fear the “religious right” and “extremists”. They are true believers. I don’t know the reason. The fact is, with 2.7 million members, teachers could change the policies of the union anytime they wish.

I know many conservative teachers who do not go along with the NEA. Everyone of them tells me they are a minority in their school system.

They are. At the training center I attend, most of the faculty support Abortion. I’ve turned one (He was from Europe and his parents taught him to liten to the other side) who respected my knowledge on several subjects. I’m also working on a black (“By any means necessary”) activist - who’s also beginning to get it.

I risk expulsion by talking about it openly. When the Pro-Aborts do, they don’t, because it’s the “Education Orthodoxy” and propogandizing in favor of Abortion is considered part of their job.

In the state of California, a 13 year old girl can be taking out of her classroom, taken to an Abortion clinic, and given an Abortion at taxpayer expense, all without her parents ever being notified about the abortion, or even the fact that she left school, even if her parents go to the school and demand to see her while she is at the Abortuary! That’s the law!

The black activist doesn’t like it either, because even he can see how it would undermine the family. And, black families have been undermined enough!

Blessed are they who act to stop the slaughter of the Innocents. Michael
Traditional Ang:
In the state of California, a 13 year old girl can be taking out of her classroom, taken to an Abortion clinic, and given an Abortion at taxpayer expense, all without her parents ever being notified about the abortion, or even the fact that she left school, even if her parents go to the school and demand to see her while she is at the Abortuary! That’s the law!
That is just SICK!! And people wonder why we dont like the NEA and bash school systems!
Perhaps the answers lay in seperating the state and schools?!?! Could it be any worse than it already is???
Traditional Ang:

This is their Union, and the people who were meeting were their union representatives and political activists. The NEA is a Creature of the Democratic National Party, and all of the positions they took were consistent with those of the Democratic National Party.

Now this should demonstrate that the Teacher’s Unions don’t really care about Children, except as political pawns to be used to make their points and keep their careers going.

Please remember this the next time the NEA and the DNC takes a position against vouchers or Home Schooling, or the State Teachers’ Union gets the State legislature to pass a law outlawing Home Schooling.

This is something I think Catholic parents should consider sending their children to the public schools.

Blessed are they who act to save the Innocent. Michael
Wouldn’t take many to leave for reform to occur.

My mom tells me a story from before I was born which illustrates how things have changed. She was on the school board. Small majority protestant Connecticut town. One day the superintendent of schools came in with a huge smile on his face.

“The Catholics are building a school!”, he said.

Everyone was delighted. Meant less of a burden on property owners. I went to elementary school after the Catholic school was built. Remember my Catholic classmates filing out now and then to take special classes at their school.

Now the unions try to get everyone they can into public schools. They give any private school or home schooler who tries to work with public schools a hard time.
it is extremely important for people to keep track of how the gay lib movement works politically, because the move to legalize adult-minor “relationships” and lower the age of consent is a key part of the agenda, as any study of their propaganda will show. This is already being worked out in the legislatures of several countries and in unions and other organizations like NEA, APA. Consent age was recently lowered in Britain, and the NAMBLA agenda is irrevocably tied to all gay lib political activity.
I would be interested to see where you found that all homosexuals want to be in a relationship with a minor. Could you please provide your sources?
Here is one example on this site…a gal posted that her husband a teacher was fired due to the fact that he was doing inappropiate things with minors…
here is the link…
That is a very sad story that that woman had, but the husband was after minor girls. No where in the post was it proven that homosexuals, in general, have an agenda to accost minors.
soulspeaker: no it has nothing to do with gays but it has everything to do with the type of people we let into our classrooms to touch oops meant “teach” our kids.
soulspeaker: no it has nothing to do with gays but it has everything to do with the type of people we let into our classrooms to touch oops meant “teach” our kids.
Not a problem. I agree that there are some very questionable practices going on in schools today. My issue was with an earlier post by puzzleannie in which she said that the homosexual agenda was all about having relationships with minors. That was the issue I was addressing. Sorry for the confusion.
This is already being worked out in the legislatures of several countries and in unions and other organizations like NEA, APA. Consent age was recently lowered in Britain, and the NAMBLA agenda is irrevocably tied to all gay lib political activity.
Compare and contrast to the catholic priest system of gaining trusts, abusing children, and then getting the bishop to cover it up and move you on to fresh victims.

the gay=peadophile lie is old and discredited. the Catholic Priest=peadohile supported and hidden by bishops and maybe even the pope has a LOT of supporting evidence.
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