Near death experiences

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Do near death experiences hold true to what christianity teaches?
Or is it somthing demonic, or is it brain related phenomina due to the shut down of its physical compartments? my uncle had a possible NDE, or some kind of visional nightmare. He said to my auntie that he was going towards the light, and he could hear voices. AT first the voices sound welcoming, but somthing happened and he started foating back from the light, and the voices became violent and evil sounding, they where beconing him to come back.

Im not sure if what he said to my auntie was true or if it even was an NDE. But ever since i have had an intrest in what is going on when this experience occurs. Do you have any litriture on the subject or any opinions? 🙂
I’m not sure if they are real or not. I think that some may be real and some may be caused by something happening in the brain.

I know there are some sites that are popular that have NDE accounts. But I would be waery of those sites. Especially since they try to promote a lot of new age ideas and sometimes they go against Church teachings.
probably jsut seeing all the doctors and lights in the room and stuff or some vague consciousness or weird coma state dream. I don’t know.
Do near death experiences hold true to what christianity teaches?
Or is it somthing demonic, or is it brain related phenomina due to the shut down of its physical compartments? my uncle had a possible NDE, or some kind of visional nightmare. He said to my auntie that he was going towards the light, and he could hear voices. AT first the voices sound welcoming, but somthing happened and he started foating back from the light, and the voices became violent and evil sounding, they where beconing him to come back.

Im not sure if what he said to my auntie was true or if it even was an NDE. But ever since i have had an intrest in what is going on when this experience occurs. Do you have any litriture on the subject or any opinions? 🙂
Some may be real and have a positive effect on one’s spiritual life.
Some, if they are real, can be misinterpreted by the person experiencing them. So, whether they are from God or from the devil we have to look at our faith to see if the “experience” was telling us something different from the truths of our faith.

If it causes one to drift from their Catholic faith because they now think they know better, than it definitely was not from God.
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