I read in Zenit.org the article “Living in a De-Christianized Society”:
The statistics seem to be unbelievable:
“Only around 1% of Anglicans attend Sunday services on average…”
“… nearly two-thirds of teenagers do not believe in God.”
“… study of 1,000 teens showed that 59% thought religion has a negative influence on the world.”
“… half of those questioned have never prayed and 16% have never been to church.”
As I live in the greatest Catholic country in the World, it is very “strange” to me. To read it here is “other” reality.
Because it is an English forum, I would like to ask you that are most near the “English” or “British” land about these statistics in your real life.
The statistics seem to be unbelievable:
“Only around 1% of Anglicans attend Sunday services on average…”
“… nearly two-thirds of teenagers do not believe in God.”
“… study of 1,000 teens showed that 59% thought religion has a negative influence on the world.”
“… half of those questioned have never prayed and 16% have never been to church.”
As I live in the greatest Catholic country in the World, it is very “strange” to me. To read it here is “other” reality.
Because it is an English forum, I would like to ask you that are most near the “English” or “British” land about these statistics in your real life.