Can anyone recommend a good concordance? Needs to be user friendly but thorough. Used a concise concordance once but did not write down the author or anything.
Hi, Mike.Both the above suggestions are non-Catholic, but I recommend that you get the exhaustive concordance to the New American Bible since that is the one tied to our liturgy. Also please bear in mind that you have a computer right there and every online Bible you access has a search feature which is about the most exhaustive concordance that you can possibly need. :bible1:
Hey, my priest recommends “Strongs”… Being a former “Bible Christian” myself, I of course have a well worn Strongs… But these days I find those obscure verses with “Google” just as quickly… Still, its worth having a Strongs (if for no other reason then to impress your Fundamentalist friends)!Just get Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance and use the King James Bible as a kind of “translator” of the Catholic Bible.
I know this will upset some, here, but its not my fault that the efforts by the Church to concordize the Catholic version of the Bible are lousy.
Hi, Mike.
Could you please post a hyperlink to the Amazon screen regarding the exhaustive concordance for the NAB. I did not know that one existed, and I teach Catholic Bible study.