Help me understand - the book, The Story of the Church, has permission to publish (which, according to the copyright page, states that it is free of doctinal or moral error) and was published by St Anthony Press. What do you mean by unorthodox? Are we talking about the same book/author? If we are, I would really like to know your point of view - I try to be very careful about choosing reading materials. Please send me a PM with more of your thoughts.
thanks -
I am away from my office, and do not have all my notes with me. The Teen Catechism is the book that I recall with some problems - but, will have to do the research. Until I can dig that out, I will say that may have been an old age mistake.
American Catholic, however, is rated RED by Catholic Culture.
You can link to examples of the problems here
Articles undermining the Real Presence (Fidelity)
Richard Rohr was a regular columnist in the Every Day Catholic section, and is still featured in the archives. (Fidelity)
Books by Richard Rohr, William H. Shannon, Anthony T. Padovano, Raymond Brown, and Arthur Baranowski (Fidelity)
Tapes by Bishop Thomas J. Gumbleton, Edwina Gateley, Richard Rohr, Donald Senior, C.P., Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland, Bishop Kenneth E. Untener, and Bill Huebsch (Fidelity)
Special section featuring the writings of Raymond Brown (Fidelity)
Promoted the TV series
Nothing Sacred (Fidelity)
Features well-known dissidents (Fidelity)