Need advice! How do I know what the purpose of my life is?

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This is going to be pretty long, but I would really appreciate your advice about this!

I was received into the Church this Easter Vigil, and this question has been in my mind more and more.

When I went up for Communion, I realized that Jesus was giving Himself to me, and the only worthy thing I can do in return is give Him all of myself.

Right now I am very willing to give all of myself to God, and to do God’s Will in everything. The only problem is that I don’t really know what God wants me to do on a daily basis, or what He wants me to work towards in my life.

I am pretty sure that I am being called to married life. Or rather, I think I’m sure, because I feel very good about the idea of being married and of raising a family. I am engaged, however I met my fiance before I believed in God so I didn’t have a discerment period, and had planned to marry my fiance before I started thinking in terms of my vocation in life. My fiance feels called to marry me, and he has been Catholic all his life. Another reason why I feel it’s right for me to marry my fiance is the fact that being with him has transformed my life. He has brought me to the belief in God, and later to the Catholic Church. And this is no small feat given that I was a product of modern secular culture. Moreover, being with me has increased HIS faith as well. When I met him he wasn’t a very strong Catholic, but now he is a big inspiration to the people around him. So… I am interpreting all these good things as signs that God is leading me to marry my fiance.

Since I am called to marriage, according to Catholic teaching my primary vocation in life would be to raise a family. Among other things, this would mean having as many children as God wants. My fiance and I are thinking that we will have around 5 children. So, obviously a lot of my life would be spent pregnant, nursing etc. I feel very strongly that people should raise their own children, and I don’t feel that daycare would be the right thing to do. For this reason I think that one or both of us would be staying with the children. I also feel that homeschooling would be a much better option than sending the children to a public or even Catholic school.

My fiance says he feels called to provide for me and our future children. He says it’s the most important thing he can do for our family. I was thinking about what I can do for our family, and I feel that I could contribute a lot by staying at home with the children and most importantly homeschooling them. I feel that our future children could benefit greatly from being homeschooled. I remember going to public school and how I never learned anything there (despite being the best student in the class most of the time). My fiance went to a Catholic school that taught masturbation and other immoral things were okay. My fiance was also in daycare when he was a child, and now he says he wishes his parents were there to teach him et cetera.

Considering all these things, I feel that the best thing for me to do now would be to get educated in all areas so that I would be qualified to teach my children all the things they would otherwise learn in high school. And also to study the Catholic faith in order to be able to teach them correctly.

The only problem is that I’m not sure if this is what God wants me to do. I feel very good about the idea of spending my life learning and teaching my children. (And if any of you read my previous posts, this is a big step. I used to be contaminated by feminist ideologies and did not think very much about stay at home mothers.) At the same time, does feeling good about it mean it’s my vocation?

Aside from my feelings, one reason why I feel that this is the right thing to do is the fact that I feel that I would make a good teacher. I have always earned very high grades in school, and have studied a lot independently. My fiance says that I’m great at explaining concepts to him, he’s said I’ve done it better than his teachers.

In the past I thought of using my talents by going to graduate school and possibly going into research, but while this is still somewhat interesting to me, I don’t feel that it would be very compatible with having around 5 children and raising them in person simply because there wouldn’t be enough time, and also because graduate school is very expensive.

My main question is whether you think God would be pleased with me if right now I started dedicating the greater part of my time and energy to education for the purpose of being qualified to homeschool my children. (I would still take some time to help the poor, especially since I need to make restitution, but the main portion of my time would be geared toward learning and later teaching.)

My main worries would be that God would want me to do more volunteering, as in a way learning seems to be more of a self-serving and entertaining activity.

Thanks again!
This is going to be pretty long, but I would really appreciate your advice about this!
The person to ask this question to is God. Pray and ask God’s advice as to the direction to take in your life. He’ll answer. If your vocation is to be a stay-at-home mom and homeschool your children, he’ll let you know. There are MANY resources available out there to help you should you be lead in this direction.
God bless.
Hermione, Congratulations on becoming Catholic…time to update your profile!:yup:

Preparation for your vocation or future service is very important. Just like praying is. You can’t give to others what you don’t have (I need to do better on that one, cough) I’d almost call preparation a vocation, at least during the time you are preparing. Prepare, and prepare well.

Of course balance yourself with learning and being a volunteer. Pray about it. Also, it could end up being that you are called to do the preparations, but never marry, and then go on with something else.

In my life I’ve had to go what feels like blind. I do what seems to be before me to do. You may not know for sure, that could always be part of the fun.:whacky:
Hi Hermione,

God had a purpose in putting you in the world, but he does not expect you to know what it is.

In practical terms, we have to react to circumstances that are mostly fortuitous, and we do it as best we can from what we have learned from others and from life.

Your motives are self-less and they are inspired by the love of God and man. Jesus said it, the greatest commandment is “Love God and your neighbor as yourself.”

Live every day in that spirit and you will be doing the will of God.

Gods will in our lives is to OBEY Him.He wants us to submit,surrender and yield to His Spirit.He wants us to be grafted into the VINE,drawing our strength from Him and producing Good fruit. He wants us to seek His face daily by prayer. Relationships are built by communicating with each other. God want us to become intimate with Him. He wants us to be His servants who say here I am Lord use me. If you seek Gods face dayly He will show you His Will in your life. I personally believe it is Gods will in every Christian to go and preach the Gospel. It is His command.That is our main calling. 👍 God Bless
First off, it sounds the above advice is all good. Pray, prep and balance.

It’s sounds like you’ve been though a lot of changes, so I sure thats a bit scary and feels kinda good too. Feels can be good signs, but they can also lie too. You should more or less know yourself and know your gifts and know what you can do and you should know more or less what the church teaches is good and bad. (Some may add more to this, espcially as you can see in this forum, but that has more to do with personal and specific situations.) If it seems to fit and feels good, thats a good sign. If later you start to have doubts, then maybe your feelings are lying.

You can make yourself a reasonably good plan, just remember to be open to Plan B given by God. In the end, sometime God seems to put a total wrench in the plans, but God will always out do you in generocity.

I know you talked before about working outside the home. Remember it’s not an either/or thing. If you stay home you can get back outside into the community and do good. As a matter of fact you probably should, being given so many blessings it would be hard not to use them for the blessing of others. LOL watch Mr. Rodger’s Neighborhood, he never strictly stayed at home, he went out and visted others. Not even so much for him, but to help teach his children as well as to help others in the nighborhood. My mom had five children, once we started to get older she eventually took a job as a special eduaction preschool aid, then took over as head librarian at the town library. As they say once a mother always a mother. So she is able to be a mother to other children, which is a very good thing espcially now, when so many family only have one over-worked parent.

So always learn, always pray, always plan, but ready to change those plans, always be ready to undergo conversion, always be willing to listen to what he puts in your heart. It’s the ordinary thing God likes. If He wants to ask something more of you, it’s on him to let you know. If you stay faithful and try to stay in his presence, he may not ask much, because he trust he may not need to make himself felt. God Bless

To me it sounds like you are questioning if you should follow the vocation of marriage. I don’t mean to suggest anything, but maybe you should step back a bit and weigh all your options. It also sounds like you are questioning another vocation.

I find that if I go to Adoration, the Lord reveals so much. It may not happen all of the sudden but eventually he will let you know. I have a sister who thought the married life was for her talked herself into it and is now divorced. Pray about what ever it is that you are uncomfortable with right now. The Lord loves you so much he will let you KNOW what to do. A friend of mine thought the married life was for her she now is a Sister.

God Bless You.
If you want help deciding on marriage etc. Try praying to St Raphael the Archangel. Quote from St Josemaria Escriva.

27 laugh because I tell you that you have a ‘vocation for marriage’? Well, you have just that: a vocation.

Commend yourself to the Archangel Raphael that he may keep you pure, as he did Tobias, until the end of the way.
eat well. sleep well. play well.

this, said mother teresa, points to the purpose of our lives. 🙂
People have given you some great answers here. I just want to recommend an author and one of his books that I think would be truly helpful to you: G. K. Chesterton and Brave New Family. Just scroll down to see a copy of BNF to order a copy if you wish. He was an English convert to Catholicism and a brilliant writer–witty and so practical. Even though he wrote before 1936 (the year he died) his words are more than relevant to our times, they are downright prophetic. I guarantee that you will love him!
i second that. brave new family is fantastic - and wonderfully answers questions about the family before our society even asked them.
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