My wife and I are in a dispute that has been going on for about three years and I need some advice. My wife and I moved into our house about three years ago, which is about an hour away from where she grew up. One advantage of the area where we moved is it has lower property prices and we were able to pay off our mortgage after a little more than a year. The problem is the following: ever since she moved here, she has claimed she has hated it and wants to move back. That by itself is not that big of an issue, however, when I suggest we get counseling so that we can figure out what the real issue is, she steadfastly refuses. Soon after we moved here, I returned to the church after leaving before we got married for a protestant denomination. She hasn’t attended church in about 5 years, which was not that long after we were married. She is bitter that I joined the church and she loves to make digs against Catholics in particular. I can only attend church events if it doesn’t inconvenience her. Holy days of obligation are often a battle, she will try to prevent me from going to mass. My hypothesis is that she is trying to make herself happy by changing the externals, when really she is not at peace with herself internally. I am getting to the point where I am wondering if it is time for us to seperate for a while, rather than taking on a mortgage that in reality is not going to make her any happier. We could easily afford a mortgage, we make good money. On the other hand, maybe the only way she is going to learn is the hard way. Personally, I think she likes to work a lot because it distracts her from the pain in her life. Like I said, she refuses counseling, nor is she interested in talking about this with anyone who might disagree with her.
If anyone has any advice, I would appreciate it.
If anyone has any advice, I would appreciate it.