Need advice to help evangelize

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Hello, I have come seeking any advice, tips, or suggestions to help me try and better evangelize. My main questions are these: First how do you try and find a balancing point in which you try to stand up for the truths against sin and explaining the evils of it and telling someone when they are doing something wrong, yet still try and make the message focused on Gods love and mercy so as not to be to condemning and scare people away? It seems like sometimes in order to make someone understand why some things are wrong you must first introduce them to the love of God in order for them to look at the situation in the true light of it. How do you go about trying to influence that paradigm shift?
Secondly, I have a protestant friend who is very respectful of my Catholic faith as I am of his protestant faith, however we never have really discussed much about it. I really would like for him to come into the fullness of the church as I desire for everyone but I worry that if I bring up the topic it may only lead to division among us, or simply not go well and possibly offend him. So do I say any thing, if so how and what?
I realize its not easy subject and that I have put a lot on the table, however any little advice or personal tips that you have found to be successful would be very helpful, thank you. Sorry for the length, God Bless.
Hi, I can comprehend your concerns since I also have the same inquiries. It’s been a year now since I rediscovered my faith and now feel the urge to tell people about the good news of Christ ( or Messiah). I think that I can give a tip for your first question and here goes. Talk about how in the begining the Lord made man in his image but man chose to, sadly for humanity’s sake, disobey which brought pain, suffering, bad thoughts & mortality into our existence. Then about how God in his infinite love for his “children” (remember we were made in his likeness which no other being on this world is) approach humans to tell humanity of his existance like Enoch,Noah(common ancestor of all modern humans) & Abraham with which a covenant that from his descendants will be a nation that worship the True God to be a “light unto the nations” from which Jesus came to preach the good news of deliverence from evil & dying for our sins (our corrupted nature) so that we may enjoy everlasting peace with God in heaven and now that their will be a Judgement day to overthrow the wicked and make earth like heaven( a new creation). For your second question my only tip is to pray for the person. 👍
Don’t be afraid to talk to your protestant friend… they are probably hanging out to share their faith with you also.
Secondly, I have a protestant friend who is very respectful of my Catholic faith as I am of his protestant faith, however we never have really discussed much about it. I really would like for him to come into the fullness of the church as I desire for everyone but I worry that if I bring up the topic it may only lead to division among us, or simply not go well and possibly offend him. So do I say any thing, if so how and what?
I realize its not easy subject and that I have put a lot on the table, however any little advice or personal tips that you have found to be successful would be very helpful, thank you. Sorry for the length, God Bless.
Before you propose he run to RCIA start talking to him about religion first. You said you dont talk much about it well there is a starting point. Not sure what to talk about find a news article or something that you are interested in and just say did you hear about this… and get the ball rolling. Pray for him too.
Thanks for all of the advice, I will see my friends soon and hopefully be able to put it to good use.
I’d suggest that the two of you discuss how wonderful it is to be a Christian – to be loved by our Lord, to love Him back, to be able to worship Him. Perhaps you two can talk about your favorite Scripture passages – or what you’ve learned from the Sunday readings that is helping you on your faith journey.

You and your friend should share about what you have in common, and support each other in your journeys with the Lord – be a gift to each other within the boundaries that already exist and that you’re not taking advantage of.

He may cue you in by his response, as to his readiness/
willingness to learn about the Catholic faith.

But there is absolutely nothing wrong with two Christians sharing and rejoicing about what they do have in common.
Here’s a quote from St. Paul that may help answer your question.

*I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingly power: proclaim the word; be persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient; convince, reprimand, encourage through all patience and teaching.

For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths.

But you, be self-possessed in all circumstances; put up with hardship; **perform the work of an evangelist; fulfill your ministry. ***

2 Tim 4, 1-5

God Bless.
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