Need Advise (about my friend and her Angel writing) What's going on here?

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I have a friend, I’ll call her Jane here. She is a dear person in many ways. She grew up Mennonite and is now a little hostile to Christianity, although she attends Mass with me from time to time. She’s a great friend with a big heart and will always listen to a tale of woe.

She’s mainly interested in ‘alternative’ types of spirituality. She likes to pray, light candles, say affirmations, and tries to manifest good stuff for herself, do spiritual inner work etc… You know, New Age sort of feel good stuff. A few years back she got into ‘Angel writing’. She writes with her non-dominant hand and gets messages from angels. People sometimes pay her to do this. She’s very proud of what she considers a spiritual special gift she has. She has some other women friends who also consider themselves spritual healers, each with different ‘gifts’. They affirm and praise each other in their high opinions of themselves.

I, generally, am skeptical and suspicious of this sort of stuff. When ever she’s brought it up, I listen with interest, but in reality I think she’s self deluded. Not that don’t think people have gifts from God, but hers seems to be a fantasy she’s created.

Well, she called me this morning and wanted to get together and talk. After morning Mass I walked over to her house. She began by telling me that there were 3 friends she has that she hasn’t talked much about this, since she respects where we’re coming from. (I thought she had mentioned it quite a few times actually) She was afraid of being mocked and I assured her that that certainly wasn’t my style. Then she proceeded to tell me that she had received a message from the Angels and then one from my late husband who died 7 years ago.

She gave me the piece of paper that she had written on with the message. Basically, the angels thanked me for donating the van that Peter had bought to a Catholic Church in Seattle. They said that I needed to get re-centered and learn to slow down (Jane knows that I’ve been frazzled since I returned from Calif and since upping my hours at work) It reminded me that God is the source of all good things and other nice pleasant things like that.

The message from my husband extolled the beauty of our daughters, reassured me about the van, and then urged me to write his sister in Poland, tell her about the stone chapel I built in the backyard, tell her I will light a candle on her behalf to the Virgin. He said that Ella was worried about her health, that she would die like he did. Then he went on to say how beautiful it was where he was.

Anyways, I just don’t know what to make of this. Do you think I ought to write Ella in Poland? It wouldn’t hurt to light a candle for her. But, the whole thing does seem like a fantasy on the part of my friend. I know I need to pray for her.
I think that it’s wise to be skeptical.

If you’re prompted to do something good, something good still gets done no matter who did the prompting. If Satan or a demon were involved, do the good deed for the sake of God and his plans, and piss off the devil.

However, for the sakeof your firend, I would not condone her by even hinting that these deeds were done. If here gift is from God, it will be enough that you’ve acted virtuously. If it’s not, her finding out that these things were done will only deepen her commitment to it.

Oh yeah, and don’t work so hard.
I have a friend, I’ll call her Jane here. She is a dear person in many ways. She grew up Mennonite and is now a little hostile to Christianity, although she attends Mass with me from time to time. She’s a great friend with a big heart and will always listen to a tale of woe.

She’s mainly interested in ‘alternative’ types of spirituality. She likes to pray, light candles, say affirmations, and tries to manifest good stuff for herself, do spiritual inner work etc… You know, New Age sort of feel good stuff. A few years back she got into ‘Angel writing’. She writes with her non-dominant hand and gets messages from angels. People sometimes pay her to do this. She’s very proud of what she considers a spiritual special gift she has. She has some other women friends who also consider themselves spritual healers, each with different ‘gifts’. They affirm and praise each other in their high opinions of themselves.

I, generally, am skeptical and suspicious of this sort of stuff. When ever she’s brought it up, I listen with interest, but in reality I think she’s self deluded. Not that don’t think people have gifts from God, but hers seems to be a fantasy she’s created.

Well, she called me this morning and wanted to get together and talk. After morning Mass I walked over to her house. She began by telling me that there were 3 friends she has that she hasn’t talked much about this, since she respects where we’re coming from. (I thought she had mentioned it quite a few times actually) She was afraid of being mocked and I assured her that that certainly wasn’t my style. Then she proceeded to tell me that she had received a message from the Angels and then one from my late husband who died 7 years ago.

She gave me the piece of paper that she had written on with the message. Basically, the angels thanked me for donating the van that Peter had bought to a Catholic Church in Seattle. They said that I needed to get re-centered and learn to slow down (Jane knows that I’ve been frazzled since I returned from Calif and since upping my hours at work) It reminded me that God is the source of all good things and other nice pleasant things like that.

The message from my husband extolled the beauty of our daughters, reassured me about the van, and then urged me to write his sister in Poland, tell her about the stone chapel I built in the backyard, tell her I will light a candle on her behalf to the Virgin. He said that Ella was worried about her health, that she would die like he did. Then he went on to say how beautiful it was where he was.

Anyways, I just don’t know what to make of this. Do you think I ought to write Ella in Poland? It wouldn’t hurt to light a candle for her. But, the whole thing does seem like a fantasy on the part of my friend. I know I need to pray for her.
You might try running, not walking, in some other direction. Your friend is either in great need of assurance and validation, and using the “writing” as a means of getting that, or she is delusional, or attempting to contact spirits (which is a short road to real trouble).

You might disentangle yourself from her, before you end up where you would not go. She’s messing where fools fear to tread.

and as far as writing to anyone, you should not be using her "comments’ as a means of determining what you should do, and by all means, not as a guilt trip.
I assume that all of the factual information that your friend based her angel’s message on came from you. I assume she already new about the van and your relative in Poland and so forth. If this is the case then she is letting her imagination play the part of the angel and is subconsciously reinforcing her new age ideas.

If she didn’t know these facts then I would be even more nervous. This kind of thing is most likely the trickery of the dark side. After all, new age trappings are not from heaven. You need to be very careful, but I would suggest you try to give her some help. Get a hold of Fr. Mitch Pacwa’s book on the New Age. Have her read that and any other material that might help her out.
I would be very skeptical of her “angel writing”. Sounds REALLY WIERD to me! I don’t really have any advise for you though, other than be wary and careful.
White Dove,

Before these things were called “New Age” and “alternative spirituality” this particular phenomena of the occult was called “automatic writing” Do a web search using that phrase and you will get all the info and more than you ever wanted or did not want. Steer clear is my advice.
My friend knows that I donated the van, that it was hard for me let it go because my husband bought it, that I get wound tight with all my projects, that I’ve been a little frazzled lately. She also likes my stone chapel, probably thinks the Virgin Mary is like a pagan goddess, knows I don’t communicate with Poland often, knows that Ella is a high strung woman who worries about stuff, knows that Ella is over 60, smokes a lot, and would be highly likely to work herself up into a melodrama about her health, esp since her youngest brother died of the same cancer that his father had, and his father’s mother.

So, even if I did find out that Ella had been worried it wouldn’t confirm my friends abilities actually. I agree with the post that telling her that I did write Poland would affirm her fantasy about herself. I might have made that mistake, so I think I’ll not do that and follow that advise.

I don’t want to shut my friend out because she attends Mass with me, she’s a kind person, and I like her, even if she has different beliefs. I love her actually. Plus, she needs a friend who isn’t into all this witchcraft sort of stuff.
You might try running, not walking, in some other direction. Your friend is either in great need of assurance and validation, and using the “writing” as a means of getting that, or she is delusional, or attempting to contact spirits (which is a short road to real trouble).

You might disentangle yourself from her, before you end up where you would not go. She’s messing where fools fear to tread.

and as far as writing to anyone, you should not be using her "comments’ as a means of determining what you should do, and by all means, not as a guilt trip.
Definitely messing with trouble. I would walk the other way and put her on my pray like mad for her list. She seems to be looking for reassurance from you and is pulling out all the stops to do it. Let it ride if you feel compelled to write a letter then do so but I would not notify your friend of any information received and think back to all the things you may have revealed about yourself to her. I am sure she will have something else for you.
It would be most likely that your friend is projecting her own thoughts, opinions, desires, conscious or subconscious, into what she writes, and is passing it on with good intentions. She may even do this deliberately, fearing that her friends would not take “straight” advice that would sound like meddling, but they might take “angel advice.”

In any case no angel would cooperate in a scheme like this since it would be against God’s will, against the bible, against the commandments. Only a demon would act in this way. So if your friend is falling deeper into beliefs and activities that could be openings for the demonic, you be a good friend and do what you can to get her away from this.
Now I find that I’m starting to have negative feelings towards my friend. I think she is allowing herself to influenced by her own judgements about my life, getting some sort of ego trip that she is communicating with angels, meanwhile getting an opportunity in to preach to me about how I’m living. It really irritates me. I also feel as if I’m constrained out of politeness and respect for her from pointing out any flaws in her thinking or approach to life. I have a feeling that we might very well drift apart with this. This whole thing is disturbing to me. I’ve always steered a wide berth from any touchy subjects with her. Now, her laying some supposed communications from my dead husband is just too weird. 😦 😦 😦
Alarm bells are ringing. This kind of stuff opens the door to demonic spirits. I’d sprinkle her and your whole house with holy water and make tracks in the opposite direction.
White Dove, your friend is playing with fire, perhaps eternal fire.

Here’s a snip from a piece by Peter Kreeft, writing about Nietzche ( emphasis added) :


What will replace God? The same being who will replace man; the Superman. Nietzsche’s masterpiece, “Thus Spake Zarathustra,” celebrates this new god.

Nietzsche called “Zarathustra” the new Bible, and told the world to "throw away all other books; you have my “Zarathustra.” It is intoxicating rhetoric, and it has captivated adolescents for generations. It was written in only a few days, in a frenzy, perhaps of literally demon-inspired “automatic writing.” No book ever written contains more Jungian archetypes, like a fireworks display of images from the unconscious.


Be careful with this. It’s more than just harmless trivia.

This is a true story. When my younger duaghter was in elemantary school, she saw a group of her friends sitting in a circle in the school yard. She approached, and saw they were gathered around a ouija board (another form of automatic writing). My daughter knew enough to have nothing to do with this stuff, even then. She said nothing as she was approaching, but one girl in the group said to her, “Don’t come into our circle, or we’ll kill you.” Pretty strong stuff for grade 5, and these girls weren’t hard cases, by any means. The question arises: What moved them to make such an out-of-character statement?

Your friend needs much prayer – and the protection of the REAL angels.


She’s mainly interested in ‘alternative’ types of spirituality

You know, New Age sort of feel good stuff.

A few years back she got into ‘Angel writing’. She writes with her non-dominant hand and gets messages from angels.

People sometimes pay her to do this.

She’s very proud of what she considers a spiritual special gift she has.

She has some other women friends who also consider themselves spritual healers, each with different ‘gifts’. They affirm and praise each other in their high opinions of themselves.
** …**
a message from the Angels and then one from my late husband who died 7 years ago.

You must have seen the ad that says, “Friends don’t let friends drive drunk” This is especially true with spiritual things. Take the keys away from your friend, if possible, by speaking the truth. Tell her that through scripture and Church teaching we know we are not to communicate with the dead through a medium. It is not the angel who is from God in all this but you, his agent.

Your friend thinks this is an angel from God but God doesn’t cause us or tempt us to disobey Him. The bold emphasis in your quote above are indications that this angel, if not her imagination, is a demon.

You said your friend is proud of her gift so she probably won’t like the truth but Galatians 1:10 tells us “Am I now currying favor with human beings or God? Or an I seeking to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a slave of Christ.”

More Galatians: “But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other that the one that we preached to you, let that one be accursed!” Galatian 1:8.

God bless you and deliver your friend.
I’m afraid if I say anything to her, she will get angry and what little influence I have by taking her to Mass occasionally, or subtly dropping little things in the conversation, will be lost. Usually people become angry when approached in such a direct way, in my experience. This ‘angel writing’ has become an important source of pride and affirmation for her, I know that she will totally turn against me if I say anything.

But right now I’m plain annoyed with her. :mad: I find this whole thing arrogent and presumptuous, to put me emotionally on the spot like this. :mad: And, these ‘messages’ from my husband are really out of character for him. He would never ask me to do something like that in real life. It irritates me to see her projecting her own opinions into this. It hurts me and offends me. I know that’s my problem, that I have to get over it, that she’s only another flawed human. But I’m struggling with this right now. 😦 😦 😦
Hi, you really need to go in another direction, fast. The devil is very suttle, and will try to rely on your friendship and loyalty to your “friend.” People who go to Mass and have a devotion to the Blessed Mother are the most attacked by the devil. I know, when I started on an endeavor to bring Catholic Radio to Baltimore and began to really pray hard and spend time in front of the Blessed Sacrament, he literally destroyed my family. Of course not without my wifes and my consent. We have three very young children, and my wife has been in a drug treatment center for 6 months, and I got out of treatment 6 months ago and we do not have custody of them still. He has, with our compliance, literally ripped my family limb from limb and he is not done. My wife is afraid to come home and probably won’t. So stay away from anything that is not authentically Catholic and Christian, like your soul and life depend on it. Do not take it lightly, that is what he wants you to do. His second favorite line is “its no big deal.” His first is “there is no such thing as the Devil”
I’m afraid if I say anything to her, she will get angry and what little influence I have by taking her to Mass occasionally, or subtly dropping little things in the conversation, will be lost. Usually people become angry when approached in such a direct way, in my experience. This ‘angel writing’ has become an important source of pride and affirmation for her, I know that she will totally turn against me if I say anything.

But right now I’m plain annoyed with her. :mad: I find this whole thing arrogent and presumptuous, to put me emotionally on the spot like this. :mad: And, these ‘messages’ from my husband are really out of character for him. He would never ask me to do something like that in real life. It irritates me to see her projecting her own opinions into this. It hurts me and offends me. I know that’s my problem, that I have to get over it, that she’s only another flawed human. But I’m struggling with this right now. 😦 😦 😦

I suspect you are depending on the appeal of your friendship to convert your friend rather than Truth. If you ignor this turn your relationship has taken so as not to offend her, how are you to respond to your friend’s conversations from the grave (as she would have you to believe), if not with the truth as you know it? To do otherwise is to encourage her or at least imply to her that there may be some truth to her practices and her sources.

When Jesus spoke the outrageous truth of, "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him on the last day"John 6:54, many turned away and walked with Him no more. He didn’t stop them. IMHO, that’s Jesus’ example.

Peace (and the promise of my prayers),
I’m going to revive this thread to get more imput from people. I didn’t hear from my friend until a few days ago. She sent me this email:

**Hi, Jan, Happy Christmas. Thanks for the dried apples-they’re great. I hope my messages from other worlds did not trouble you; certainly the intent was support and a request to contact Ella. I have been sub.teaching in Thorp and E-burg. Hans is bummed for no snow, but I am glad for the reprieve. Hope you are swell. Love, julie (not her real name) **

I wrote her back saying that I had been wondering how she was doing, that I had been trying to be low key about Christmas and hadn’t sent any cards out. I avoided mentioning anything about the angel writing.

She replied with this letter. I think she doesn’t want to be friends any more. 😦

**Dear Jan,
When Nikki told me she saw you and you asked, “Have you seen Julie lately??” she thought from the way you said it that I had a new fella. I said, “No, I gave her an angel writing and it was probably too out there for her.”
Jan, I have been writing for more than four years. I have written for a number of people in this town, plus all over the country.  I wrote for Nikki several years ago.

I never "went there" with you because I could feel your skepticism if I ever touched on it.  Thus, our friendship contained your walk of faith, but not mine.  My love for God is as deep and strong as yours.  I never chose the form it took, but sometimes when we are Obedient, we get guided to places we never could have imagined (or even particularly thought we wanted to go). 

I do not know why I was given a message for you at this time, but I gave it to you with deep reluctance. Many people find great comfort in the writings. 

To be open to Mystery may take one in amazing directions. What will you ever do if you or one of the girls has a Mary visitation in your beautiful chapel? 

I could tell from your email that you were choosing to ignore the fact that I talk to angels and even occasionally, the dead. (For whom the Catholics prayed the whole month of November.) That is ok, but as I told you before I gave you the writing, I am not interested in having my walk of faith ridiculed.

Perhaps you may want to say, "Marian, I just can't go here" or "Marian, I am angry that you put me in this position of having to deal with something I think is crazy." But to ignore it leaves nowhere to go, for, other than Hans, my faith is my life.

My work may go many other places you are uncomfortable with: by now, Sue and I are doing powerful faith energy healing (on both people and animals). I have no idea where this might go in the long run. But some of the healings are bordering on miraculous.

I am still the same sane, grounded person with whom you have walked and talked for years. But this is who I am and I cannot not be who I am, or pretend how I believe does not exist.

I guess the  writing forced an issue I would have left indefinitely on the back burner. So this is the next phase to look at in our friendship.
In peace, julie **

I did write her back. I’m very sad, I think this friendship is over… My friend has become more and more wrapped up in this angel writing and it sounds like she can’t handle it if I don’t acknowledge her ‘gift from God’ as she calls it.
It’s sad how spiritually confused the world has become. Midevil peasants would have run screaming from this kind of demonic practice. Today it’s seen as just another path, as valid as any other.
My friend knows that I donated the van, that it was hard for me let it go because my husband bought it, that I get wound tight with all my projects, that I’ve been a little frazzled lately. She also likes my stone chapel, probably thinks the Virgin Mary is like a pagan goddess, knows I don’t communicate with Poland often, knows that Ella is a high strung woman who worries about stuff, knows that Ella is over 60, smokes a lot, and would be highly likely to work herself up into a melodrama about her health, esp since her youngest brother died of the same cancer that his father had, and his father’s mother.

So, even if I did find out that Ella had been worried it wouldn’t confirm my friends abilities actually. I agree with the post that telling her that I did write Poland would affirm her fantasy about herself. I might have made that mistake, so I think I’ll not do that and follow that advise.

I don’t want to shut my friend out because she attends Mass with me, she’s a kind person, and I like her, even if she has different beliefs. I love her actually. Plus, she needs a friend who isn’t into all this witchcraft sort of stuff.
Hello, I think you should pray for her and go to St.Michael’s spiritual warfare site.I went to the library and checked out a beautiful book called all about angels,sounds good,huh?NO:eek: It was some new age **** that talks about this angel writing, getting messages from your angel.This book also said.Lucifer, is not really bad:eek: He was only neccessary to show the contrast between light and dark.Your friend is messing around with the demonic,God allows angels to help in human lives,but this angel writing I have seen in this new age **** your friend is MESSING AROUND WTH DEMONS. God Bless

I understand your struggle with losing a friend, but it sounds more like the season for this friend is over. You were losing your peace over her and her writings - that alone does not sound like something from God. God does not want you to lose your peace.

It does sound like this woman is being blinded by the enemy.

Sometimes God leads us away from people who are not good spiritual influences in our lives. You can pray for this lady and those she misleads, but maybe God is calling you to move on in prayer.
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