Need book suggestion for a friend

  • Thread starter Thread starter Qoheleth
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I have a an old friend that claims to be a “Christian” but says he has no use for organized religion. Does anyone know of a book that can give a solid argument that can refute the various rational this type of person uses to justify this type of behavior, or attitude? I think my friend is reasonably fair minded, but just needs a good argument to get him moving in the the right direction. I suppose this is sort of a vague request with no specifics, i just hope to find something simple to get the ball rolling as it were. I can take it from there.

Thank you
  1. A Refutation of Moral Relativism by Peter Kreeft
  2. Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air
What you really want to argue with you friend is moral relativism. Someone who believes that they are a Christian but does not need any particular religion basically believes that no belief is wrong. That makes to sense since mane religions (even Christian faiths) believe totally opposite teaches. Not everybody can be right. They can’t tell you that any single thing you believe is wrong. That would make them a hypocrite. I think the Bible is clear about hypocrites.
Thank you for the replies. I will check out those books immediately.👍
I hear Richard Dawkins has some good books. Tell him to go to the book store and ask for Richard Dawkins.
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