I am in a sticky situation. I have been finding my catholic faith again. I was in church this Sunday and in the announcements, they were in need of teachers for CCD classes. I reflected on it and I believe God was speaking to me to do this. For weeks, I have been searching for a self taught program for my 4 and 6 year old in addition to their CCD preschool/kindergarten class that I have them enrolled in. I felt I have not had the skill or ability to teach my children the catholic faith. I was spinning my wheels and wasting a lot of time. When God revealed to me that I can learn to be a teacher, I sent an email volunteering. My husband completely opposes it. He thinks it will be taking away time from him and our children. I feel that it will strenghthen me to become a better mother. I even asked the directory if I could have my kids sit in the class with me while I was teaching. He thinks I am pushing him away, being manipulative and selfish?
I am working full time and have the kids in preschool and kindergarten full time and latch key for one hour. So I do understand my husbands point of taking away from the family. Please pray for me and ask God what he wants me to do.
I am working full time and have the kids in preschool and kindergarten full time and latch key for one hour. So I do understand my husbands point of taking away from the family. Please pray for me and ask God what he wants me to do.