Need help decideing on a curriculum

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Hello all home school families. I am looking at a new curriculum for the 2007-2008 school year and i am really undecided on whether I should use Angelicum Academy or Seton. I am going to use Seton for sure with my 1st grader, but my 5th grader I believe would grow more under Angelicum’s liberal arts curriculum. I guess my hope is that someone can give me their (name removed by moderator)ut from their own experience in using the Angelicum Academy vs Seton. I have gone Angelicum website but I am having a hard time deciding if their curriculum is as good as it looks.

Any (name removed by moderator)ut will help.:o

Thank you.

We have used Seton in the past (not enrolled)…love Seton. But the thing about Seton–especially in the higher grades— is the amount of work. My kids just are “academic” kids. They like to learn the fun way. Seton was a bit overwhelming for them. I definitely loved it in the early grades though.
I cant help you with Anglicum…never used it:) . I am currently using Our Lady of Victory…again not enrolled. It is still quite a bit of work but not quite as much. My girls have enjoyed it this year.
Dont they all basically use the same material? Language of God, Saxon math, Baltimore Catechism? I think the main differences are the amount of work each provider asks for.
I think what curriculum you use all depends on the type of child you have. My best friend uses Seton–higher grades—and her kids dont have a problem with it.Of course they do complain form time to time about the amount of writing they have to do.

I hope my little bit of info helps.🙂
I used Seton for a couple years when I first homeschooled, but the amount of paperwork was a turn-off for me. After awhile my kids began craving textbooks instead of workbooks. I was also very unimpressed wth Seton’s history and science books. We switched to Kolbe Academy, which is very flexible and very Catholic. Their proctors are extremely helpful in deciding which books to use (for many subjects they offer a choice). I would highly recommend them.

Sorry I couldn’t be more help!
thank you for replying. I guess my question is if anyone has any pros and cons on angelicum. I have used Seton and liked it a lot. But I am intrigued by Angelicum’s reading program (the great books) also their history and science program look good, although I can’t look inside there text books. I have looked at kolbe, but I guess I haven’t look in a while so I will take another look at it. Thanks for the recommendations
Our family used Kolbe Academy for quite a few years. We were very pleased both with the academics and with the spirituality. When (for a variety of reasons, none having to do with Kolbe) we moved our children into the local Catholic school system, they were all at or near the top of their classes.

We think Kolbe is GREAT!
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