Need help evangelizing a liberal New Ager

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I’ve been trying to evangelize a 20-year-old guy I met on another (non-Catholic-related) forum; we’ve been corresponding by e-mail for the last couple of months. He told me about his problems, and I decided to give spreading the Gospel a shot. He really likes the idea of being redeemed for his sins and having a relationship with God, but he’s having trouble accepting Christianity for the following reasons:
  1. The problem of suffering. Without going into the details, he’s had a very hard life, due to circumstances beyond his control, and can’t understand why God made his life so hard. I’ve already helped him get over his anger at God (he said so in a thank-you e-mail), but he’s having trouble trusting Him.
  2. He’s very liberal, so he absolutely will not consider the Catholic Church (he feels that a person’s sex life is no one else’s business, and without Christianity, it is indeed hard to justify our teachings on sexual morality). I had to swallow my pride and tell him that there are Christian denominations that will cater to his liberal leanings (I know it sounds crazy, but I felt God pushing me to do so against my own wishes). Is there any way to convince him to be Catholic?
  3. He still accepts New Age beliefs such as reincarnation and monism. I can’t even get him to be excited about Heaven because he’d rather have another life on Earth with less suffering. I told him that there is no suffering in Heaven, but he still feels cheated.
  4. He has difficulty reading long passages (but he makes the effort for my e-mails) and watching long videos, so I can’t just send him links and recommend books and movies.
  5. He knows next to nothing about Christianity. I had to explain to him what the Ten Commandments are and who the Virgin Mary is (and why we refer to her in the present tense).
This is the first person I’ve tried to evangelize. I feel that God sent me and him to each other; I trust that God knows what He’s doing. I was just wondering if anyone here had any ideas on how to evangelize such a tough case more effectively.
I’ve been trying to evangelize a 20-year-old guy I met on another (non-Catholic-related) forum; we’ve been corresponding by e-mail for the last couple of months. He told me about his problems, and I decided to give spreading the Gospel a shot. He really likes the idea of being redeemed for his sins and having a relationship with God, but he’s having trouble accepting Christianity for the following reasons:
  1. The problem of suffering. Without going into the details, he’s had a very hard life, due to circumstances beyond his control, and can’t understand why God made his life so hard. I’ve already helped him get over his anger at God (he said so in a thank-you e-mail), but he’s having trouble trusting Him.
One thing I like to think about (although I am not sure it would be the most effective evangelical tool) is weightlifting. I used to be a bit of a gym-rat and I can tell you that the most effective days were the days when I would push myself right to the point of failure and then back off. I think that God does the same thing to us at times so that we can grow stronger spiritually, gives us trials and tribulations that will wear off the rough edges and polish our souls, so-to-speak.

Also, have you shown him what Christ suffered in His passion? This was a man infinitely more pure than any person, ever, who suffered the most horrific and humiliating death imaginable at that time (and arguably now). What could happen to us that could possibly be worse than that? (And I say this as a “survivor” of child sexual abuse, among other horrible things)
  1. He’s very liberal, so he absolutely will not consider the Catholic Church (he feels that a person’s sex life is no one else’s business, and without Christianity, it is indeed hard to justify our teachings on sexual morality). I had to swallow my pride and tell him that there are Christian denominations that will cater to his liberal leanings (I know it sounds crazy, but I felt God pushing me to do so against my own wishes). Is there any way to convince him to be Catholic?
Four words: Theology of the Body.

There are some good books that summarize this tome and put it plainly. perhaps try a couple of those. I can tell you that if he understood what the purpose of sex is, that his body does NOT belong to him, and what the purpose of marriage is he would not feel the same. Plus, unless you are “doing it” solo, your sex life is by definition someone else’s business.
  1. He still accepts New Age beliefs such as reincarnation and monism. I can’t even get him to be excited about Heaven because he’d rather have another life on Earth with less suffering. I told him that there is no suffering in Heaven, but he still feels cheated.
  1. He has difficulty reading long passages (but he makes the effort for my e-mails) and watching long videos, so I can’t just send him links and recommend books and movies.
  1. He knows next to nothing about Christianity. I had to explain to him what the Ten Commandments are and who the Virgin Mary is (and why we refer to her in the present tense).
Try not to do as I do and push issues. Allow him to guide the conversion with gentle prodding and humble answers. I would suggest that you start to teach him about Christ through the Gospel of John. He will most likely find it the most applicable and the most fulfilling Gospel.
This is the first person I’ve tried to evangelize. I feel that God sent me and him to each other; I trust that God knows what He’s doing. I was just wondering if anyone here had any ideas on how to evangelize such a tough case more effectively.
It sounds like you are doing a fine job so far. Just keep doing what you are doing and stop waiting for him to accept Christ. Accept the fact that only God can affect conversion, but you can sure help Him.

Thats my $0.07 at least (inflation is killing me)
I’ve been trying to evangelize a 20-year-old guy I met on another (non-Catholic-related) forum; we’ve been corresponding by e-mail for the last couple of months. He told me about his problems, and I decided to give spreading the Gospel a shot. He really likes the idea of being redeemed for his sins and having a relationship with God, but he’s having trouble accepting Christianity for the following reasons:
  1. The problem of suffering. Without going into the details, he’s had a very hard life, due to circumstances beyond his control, and can’t understand why God made his life so hard. I’ve already helped him get over his anger at God (he said so in a thank-you e-mail), but he’s having trouble trusting Him.
  2. He’s very liberal, so he absolutely will not consider the Catholic Church (he feels that a person’s sex life is no one else’s business, and without Christianity, it is indeed hard to justify our teachings on sexual morality). I had to swallow my pride and tell him that there are Christian denominations that will cater to his liberal leanings (I know it sounds crazy, but I felt God pushing me to do so against my own wishes). Is there any way to convince him to be Catholic?
  3. He still accepts New Age beliefs such as reincarnation and monism. I can’t even get him to be excited about Heaven because he’d rather have another life on Earth with less suffering. I told him that there is no suffering in Heaven, but he still feels cheated.
  4. He has difficulty reading long passages (but he makes the effort for my e-mails) and watching long videos, so I can’t just send him links and recommend books and movies.
  5. He knows next to nothing about Christianity. I had to explain to him what the Ten Commandments are and who the Virgin Mary is (and why we refer to her in the present tense).
This is the first person I’ve tried to evangelize. I feel that God sent me and him to each other; I trust that God knows what He’s doing. I was just wondering if anyone here had any ideas on how to evangelize such a tough case more effectively.
This might be helpful to you in your discussions with him:
  1. Recommend CS Lewis’ The Problem of Pain - it addresses human suffering and how necessary it is.
  2. Once you convince him about God, go to the Scripture - from the beginning, man and woman, why ABC is against God’s will for love and life, etc.
  3. There are consequences for one’s actions. If one leads a sinful life, there will be punishment. If he embraces God’s love, what reward is better for leading a good, virtuous life than to be with God for all eternity?
  4. Perhaps you could read CS Lewis’ The Problem of Pain and paraphrase the important sections for him (or find someone who has done so online!)
  5. Pray for patience, both for him and yourself, and start with the basics - maybe consult a religious ed/CCD syllabus and see the development of information the children receive - then build from there!
God be with you!
Thank you all for your help.

Update: This guy is now willing to accept most of Christianity, and he plans on shopping around for a church. Now that he’s looking, I want him to become Catholic, but there are some obstacles:
  • He still believes in pantheism and reincarnation, despite my attempts to convince him otherwise through Scripture and basic logic.
  • He has trouble seeing God as Our Father because he doesn’t like the idea of a male God. (I’m sure he has issues with his father–he hasn’t mentioned one.) I’ve tried to explain that God is genderless, but like a father, and that Jesus taught that God is Our Father. He just doesn’t like the idea.
  • He’s still very liberal and has trouble with the rules, especially the sexual teachings.
Still, I’ve helped him with the problem of suffering, he finally understands Heaven and is excited, and he is willing to accept Christianity and get to know God.
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