Need Help Evangelizing

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My brother and i grew up baptist and both kind of fell away from going to church after high school but never stopped believing. Over the last 15 years he’s been to church on occasions only. I have since converted to Catholicism and have a much deeper understanding of my faith. I feel like i really knew nothing before. He is interested in his faith, but not necessarily Catholic. He’s attending a bible church, but still only on rare occasions. His work schedule is such that bible study classes or other traditional gatherings really won’t work for him.

My question is what kind of books or online resources do you have to recommend to my brother? It’s hard for me to try to recommend a protestant book knowing what i do now about the Catholic teachings. However, i want to get his foot back through the door. I’m looking for that basic book to really explain Christianity and the gospel. I want to give him a Catholic study bible. The NAB Answer bible seems to have some pretty good inserts explaining basic Catholic teachings and it has explanations for common misconceptions. However, i feel like i need more material. An easy read to light the internal flame if you will.

Any help is much appreciated. God bless!
I don’t know if it’s an easy read but was impressed with Greg.
The New Evangelization and You: Be Not Afraid NOW
I don’t know him. Just heard him on Relevant Radio.
I’ve got enough books to last me a long time.
This may or may not help you.
Pull up the book on Amazon and check out the reviews.
Baptist is better than nothing. Baptists and Catholics are at the top of the target list of satanists.
But he’s assured salvation through the one true Catholic church of Jesus Christ.
Welcome to CAF!

Maybe How to Read the Bible Everyday by Archbishop Whealon can help.
C.S. Lewis is a good author to recommend. Despite his orthodox anglo-catholic views, he nonetheless remained an Anglican, which makes him popular for protestant readers even though his theology is quite close to Catholicism. From Lewis it’s a short distance to Catholic authors such as Tolkien and Chesterton. More specifically I would recommend Mere Christianity and the Screwtape Letters, not Catholic books,but nonetheless excellent.
***Catholicism and Fundamentalism: The Attack on “Romanism” by “Bible Christians” *** by Karl Keating.

Available here.

You will not find a better book for what you are looking for.

Also here are two very good Catholic Study Bibles:

New Catholic Answer Bible: New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE)

Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: New Testament

I have each of them and think they are both great. The Ignatius Bible (which is just a New Testament) has much more commentary. The New Catholic Answer Bible has the Old Testament, the New Testament and lots of Q&A pages that are highly informative.

Oh and: Welcome to the Catholic Answers Forums!

God bless.

The very best catholic book for him, you, or I, is the Catechism of the Catholic church. It’s daunting in size. Yet it is so essential, even for life long catholics who keep pushing it aside. Maybe start off with the Compendium of the Catechisim of the Catholic church (much shorter). Or YouCat, I’ve heard nothing but great things about, esp., for the education of young Catholics. I grew up on cartoons and sitcoms in the 60s & 70s and I’m still a child at heart. I’m very tempted to purchase some of those excellent kid’s shows EWTN broadcasts. Just for myself. I’ve been poorly catechised. These shows are so great that one could learn and enjoy just the audio to these shows. Don’t miss them. They are on weekday afternoons and saturdays. Just like the cartoons were in the 60s.
You GO, sister +++ !!!
I second Cathoholic’s rec for Holy Bibles. He can’t go wrong with those.
The Lord of the Rings movies and the Passion of the Christ… If they don’t kick your but back into the pew, I don’t know what will. And to really ignite the eternal flame of his heart, give him a nice picture of the sacred heart of Jesus with or without the immaculate heart of Mary near Him or the image of the Divine Mercy to enthrone is his home.
“Jesus looked at me and said, Souls perish in spite of My bitter Passion. I am giving them the last hope of salvation; that is, the Feast of My Mercy. If they will not adore My mercy, they will perish for all eternity. Secretary of My mercy, write, tell souls about this great mercy of Mine, because the awful day, the day of My justice, is near.” (Diary of St. Faustina, 965)
C.S. Lewis is a good author to recommend. Despite his orthodox anglo-catholic views, he nonetheless remained an Anglican, which makes him popular for protestant readers even though his theology is quite close to Catholicism. From Lewis it’s a short distance to Catholic authors such as Tolkien and Chesterton. More specifically I would recommend Mere Christianity and the Screwtape Letters, not Catholic books,but nonetheless excellent.
Those are fantastic books by CS Lewis and I would second this recommendation. I think Screwtape letters is especially brilliant. Mere Christianity is a must read for everyone.
Lighthouse Catholic media has a lot of good and inexpensive books, booklets, and CDs. There are lots of topics and they are all short enough to be informative without being overwhelming.
Any help is much appreciated. God bless!
Catholicism for Dummies, is easy to use.

A Short History of the Catholic Church by Joe Orlandis (Princeton, New Jersey: Sceptre Press, 1993)
As you know, to know history is to become catholic.

However from the way you describe his faith, I doubt if he is interested in any faith right now. He’s just drifting around and not interested.

I would recommend that you use the green scapular. That will do him more good simply because of Mary’s promises to those who use it with trust in her.

What Mary promised was that those who don’t have the faith will be given the faith, and that those who are lukewarm will be warmed up to the faith, and those that are already warm to the faith will become even stronger.

The green scapular was a gift to us thru Sister Justina in Paris France in 1840. Since then many people have used it with success.

The way it is to be used is: have it blessed, give it to the person and have them say the prayer on the green scapular “Immaculate Heart of Mary pray for us now and at the hour of our death” They should keep it on their person, wearing it or in their wallet or purse. If the person won’t accept it, then you can slip it to them without them knowing it, by putting it under their mattress, or hiding it around them somewhere they frequent, such as the sofa or vase of flowers. Then you say the prayer for them everyday.

The trust you have in Mary is important. She will help them, you have her word, just believe her and thank her for that. Then say that prayer for them everyday. Also it is recommended to get one for yourself and pray the prayer for yourself every day as well.

Here is a true story of one person’s experience with the green scapular.
Although I have been a long wearing brown scapular - 24/7 - the Green is my favorite. If you read about it - the promises of the Green Scapular do not depend on the person you give it to - the promises are on you the giver. Yes they need not even know you have placed it in their home.

I offered my Dad a scapular as he was failing in heal - knowing that he did not fully accept his Catholic Faith. He kept it in his pocket. I prayed for five intentions for his death:
  1. That he would not die alone - his greatest fear…
  2. …Or even better that we siblings would be with him
  3. That he would be receive the Anointing of the Sick and Viaticum
  4. For him to die at the great hour of mercy…
  5. …on a great feast day of the Church
After feeling selfish I asked God to grant only one of these and I would know that my prayers with the Green Scapular had been heard.

My Dad died on Holy Saturday at 3:15 PM with all of us at his side after he had been anointed and given Viaticum at 1:30!

To get a free scapular just google “green scapular”.
Here is more info on it.

May God bless and keep you. May God’s face shine on you. May God be kind to you and give you peace.
Stuff your pockets with rosaries and pamphlets. Spread the Word of God.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta was asked by a reporter something to the effect of, “Why do you Catholics consider Mary so important? Isn’t Jesus supposed to be the chief figure in Christianity?” Her response was along the lines of, “It’s really quite simple: Mary is the mother of Jesus; without her he wouldn’t have been born. No Mary, no Jesus.” Subsequently, I recall seeing bumper stickers that repeated her words and added, “Know Mary, know Jesus.”
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