Need help in giving good explanation

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I need to explain to someone why sex outside of marriage is an objective mortal sin. Can someone here on CAF please help me in giving a good explanation? I would like to know what to say.
Is the person a Christian? If so, of what variety? This may help us to figure out common objections so we can better formulate a response.
Who are you trying to convince? Are they an atheist? Catholic once and left the Church? How old are they? Sometimes info on the person and where they are coming from helps with the angle to approach it.
I think PennyinCanada and bzkoss are in cahoots… :yup:
We must be, did you see we posted at the same time??? lol
Yes, we have a Master Plan. We keep it hidden in cahoots, but don’t tell, kay? 😃
Who are you trying to convince? Are they an atheist? Catholic once and left the Church? How old are they? Sometimes info on the person and where they are coming from helps with the angle to approach it.
This is very important. A lot of my problems in regards to discussion of morality is that** most people don’t even believe in objective morality** - if you can’t get over that hurdle then there will always be a divide.

And not to shut you down, but you should probably also learn more about what you believe in and how to communicate those beliefs before just jumping into the deep end.
I need to explain to someone why sex outside of marriage is an objective mortal sin. Can someone here on CAF please help me in giving a good explanation? I would like to know what to say.
You haven’t replied regarding the type of person this is. Here’s my thoughts on it while waiting…
If you look at the result of the pill becoming available to the masses, we have an explosion of teen pregnancies which result in single motherhood and poverty, abortion, sexually transmitted diseases spreading with the result of infertility later when families are desired, and broken hearts. There’s the pressure young ladies feel when wanting to go out on dates but if they don’t have sex with the boy, he’ll find someone else. How is this any good for young women, babies, and the society that has to support them? How many families do you know that their daughter had a baby, and now she’s living with them, and the young man is gone? When you look at the abandonment of young girls with their infants, how is this good for the society to have young men who can abandon their duties for others to pick up the slack?

The argument that having sex is between two consenting adults means that the consequences of sex outside of marriage and a committed relationship falls on the shoulders of everyone. You don’t have to believe in God to see the fruit of sex outside of marriage, and it’s rotten.

Speaking to you as a Catholic, if the whole world started today to only have sex with their spouse, can you imagine how all these above plagues in the world would disappear? Including AIDS and many cancers. This is the blessing that we are depriving ourselves of.

Speaking to you as a Catholic, the Old Testament showed how the first born had a certain privilege and blessing and was double blessed for inheritance. You can read Genesis 27 about the brothers Jacob and Esau, Esau being the first born, and Jacob going to lengths to obtain the blessing for himself, and for his generations to follow.

To understand that, and to watch this culture kill the first born in abortion for their sexual activity outside of marriage is a heartbreak. Those aborted children will never grow, bring their blessing to the world, have families, to love and be loved. We’ve forgotten our calling to walk hand in hand with the Almighty God, to be a blessing to the world, and to draw down blessings upon the generations to follow us.
I wanted to add…

Going back to the story of Jacob, it is written for us to see how Christ is the first born son and how we, when “clothed with Christ”, go to God the Father, and He ‘pretends’ He’s blind and pretends it’s Christ and smiles, and gives us the blessing. How awesome is that? That’s why it’s written in the New Testament to put on Christ! We put on the wooly ‘Lamb of God’ and the Father gives us Christ’s blessing! How generous and kind he is to us. If only we could walk in that daily.
You haven’t replied regarding the type of person this is. Here’s my thoughts on it while waiting…
If you look at the result of the pill becoming available to the masses, we have an explosion of teen pregnancies which result in single motherhood and poverty, abortion, sexually transmitted diseases spreading with the result of infertility later when families are desired, and broken hearts. There’s the pressure young ladies feel when wanting to go out on dates but if they don’t have sex with the boy, he’ll find someone else. How is this any good for young women, babies, and the society that has to support them? How many families do you know that their daughter had a baby, and now she’s living with them, and the young man is gone? When you look at the abandonment of young girls with their infants, how is this good for the society to have young men who can abandon their duties for others to pick up the slack?

The argument that having sex is between two consenting adults means that the consequences of sex outside of marriage and a committed relationship falls on the shoulders of everyone. You don’t have to believe in God to see the fruit of sex outside of marriage, and it’s rotten.

Speaking to you as a Catholic, if the whole world started today to only have sex with their spouse, can you imagine how all these above plagues in the world would disappear? Including AIDS and many cancers. This is the blessing that we are depriving ourselves of.

Speaking to you as a Catholic, the Old Testament showed how the first born had a certain privilege and blessing and was double blessed for inheritance. You can read Genesis 27 about the brothers Jacob and Esau, Esau being the first born, and Jacob going to lengths to obtain the blessing for himself, and for his generations to follow.

To understand that, and to watch this culture kill the first born in abortion for their sexual activity outside of marriage is a heartbreak. Those aborted children will never grow, bring their blessing to the world, have families, to love and be loved. We’ve forgotten our calling to walk hand in hand with the Almighty God, to be a blessing to the world, and to draw down blessings upon the generations to follow us.
That was very good. Everyone should read it.
I suggest you study Church documents and read some books on chastity/sex. These sorts of explanations need to come from the heart. If it is not your own explanation, it will sound fake.
I need to explain to someone why sex outside of marriage is an objective mortal sin. Can someone here on CAF please help me in giving a good explanation? I would like to know what to say.
Because sex outside of marriage is not pursuing one’s own and one’s partner’s greatest good, which is divine union with God on earth and in eternity.

Real love pursue’s the other’s greatest good, all the time.
=Maxirad;10048058]I need to explain to someone why sex outside of marriage is an objective mortal sin. Can someone here on CAF please help me in giving a good explanation? I would like to know what to say.
One assumes such sex is “contrapective sex”

Therefore it’s is driven ONLY by ones sexual self-interst. It’s ALL about ME!

It is NOT:
a toy

a self-fulfilling game

or withour consequences even in “protected sex”; feelings, minds, and souls are effected in an unnatural and hurtful way

nor is it a “sport” .

It may, can and does lead to “unwanted pregnancies” and that to possible abortions

Sex is a GIFT GRANTED by God for
  1. Procreation of the human race
  2. To build 2. hope .3. Love in the Family unit through the self-giving acts and sacrifiecs of a husband and wife who have; can and ought to enjoy seual union [mrriage cement:D] open to the possibility of getting pregnant.
  3. It is TOTAL misuse of a God Given Gift:rolleyes:
Which is WHY not every sexual act results in a pregnancy.


God Bless,

Pat /PJm
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