need help interpreting a dream

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Lately I have been the recipient of some weird dreams. No I had not been drinking, etc, blah, blah.

I think these are coming from God and yeah I know how that sounds. Let me explain the dream I had Sunday evening/Monday morning.

As a preface, we all know what Catholics and other faiths are dealing with in the Obama era so here goes:

I am walking up in a high, and I mean HIGH, skyscraper, newly built, shiny silver, and all the cleanest glass fixtures you could ever see. President Obama is there and as he surveys the multitudes of people walking through this building, a window open behind him and I notice the sun starting to be blotted out by clouds and this this YELLOW colored rain starts to drown the earth. I mean torrential downoours with wind, thunder and lightning. Everybody in this building is running and screaming frantically.

I remain calm as I know somehow the president is behind this and he looks at me with a smile. I begin to pray. When the rain stops, he then begins to walk in circles on one of the floors and millions of people begin to walk through this building going in and out of doors. Now here is the weird part. Anybody that you could ever imagined seeing is there in some way, shape, or fashion. For instance, I see fictional characters as real people with the most mundane expressions, I see people I have known and for like HOURS they are doing nothing but walking through doors. A disguised voice plays over an intercom that the entire building can hear. “This is reality…this is real…this is normal…” along with other distorted voices. I glance in another room and, don’t laugh, Batman is in there behind bars after being beaten by government officials and he and I make contact. His eyes tell me “there is no hope” and I wake up literally scared.

I would say, after heavy mulling, the building is some representation of America or the world itself, God only knows what the yellow rain is, and the people, fictional people, from all walks of life looking mundane and just forcing themselves to continue walking could be the populace at large looking and feeling as if there is no hope. Batman? A symbol of good, the good in all of us, the good that gets angry at the oppression that goes on. Obama? Well, no stretch. EVIL.

Would like others opinions as some did offer on my tornado dream. Nothing wrong with me, but maybe God is revealing something to me…who knows. Thanks.
Dreams are IMNAAHO just the editing-room floor of our subconscious minds; there is not necessarily any truth there.

The scenery would seem to me to be the result of reading too many comic books, combined with the effect in your consciousness of the recent events in our nation.

If God ever uses a dream to reveal something, ISTM you will neither have to guess, nor to ask a BBS full of average sinners about it :)🙂

If God wants to reveal something to you in a dream He will make it absolutely clear. He won’t have you try to guess what he is saying.
Not an interpretation, just a comment. Of everything in your dream, to me the most important was what you did: I remain calm…I begin to pray. That’s the key, and you already have it. Pray. “The kingdom of God is within you.”
Thanks. No reading of comics in years but yeah the Batman thing threw me for a loop. Just weird.
God would make it very clear about what he was trying to tell you if he were saying something. Maybe it is an inner issue you are stressing about or something. :eek:
What is important to note about your dream is that you somehow feel superior to another to the point of calling them evil with all caps. That someone being the President of the United States of America. I’m sure in your dreams you are superior to many, and may even need a superhero from a comic strip to come in to help save something, something that must be done for the good of all.
Don’t ask for help interpreting nonsense. You don’t want help with interpretation, you want your views to be held as those that will “save us” with the help of your superhero from a comic strip and your worldview since you must feel it needs some backup from somewhere.
What is important to note about your dream is that you somehow feel superior to another to the point of calling them evil with all caps. That someone being the President of the United States of America. I’m sure in your dreams you are superior to many, and may even need a superhero from a comic strip to come in to help save something, something that must be done for the good of all.
Don’t ask for help interpreting nonsense. You don’t want help with interpretation, you want your views to be held as those that will “save us” with the help of your superhero from a comic strip and your worldview since you must feel it needs some backup from somewhere.
wow. you can read my mind that good? No, actually my original question was just what it was supposed to be. Sorry if I don’t like our antichrist in chief but feel free to like him all you want.👍
I am walking up in a high, and I mean HIGH, skyscraper, newly built, shiny silver, and all the cleanest glass fixtures you could ever see. President Obama is there and as he surveys the multitudes of people walking through this building, a window open behind him and I notice the sun starting to be blotted out by clouds and this this YELLOW colored rain starts to drown the earth. I mean torrential downoours with wind, thunder and lightning. Everybody in this building is running and screaming frantically.

I remain calm as I know somehow the president is behind this and he looks at me with a smile. I begin to pray. When the rain stops, he then begins to walk in circles on one of the floors and millions of people begin to walk through this building going in and out of doors. Now here is the weird part. Anybody that you could ever imagined seeing is there in some way, shape, or fashion. For instance, I see fictional characters as real people with the most mundane expressions, I see people I have known and for like HOURS they are doing nothing but walking through doors. A disguised voice plays over an intercom that the entire building can hear. “This is reality…this is real…this is normal…” along with other distorted voices. I glance in another room and, don’t laugh, Batman is in there behind bars after being beaten by government officials and he and I make contact. His eyes tell me “there is no hope” and I wake up literally scared.

I would say, after heavy mulling, the building is some representation of America or the world itself, God only knows what the yellow rain is, and the people, fictional people, from all walks of life looking mundane and just forcing themselves to continue walking could be the populace at large looking and feeling as if there is no hope. Batman? A symbol of good, the good in all of us, the good that gets angry at the oppression that goes on. Obama? Well, no stretch. EVIL.

Would like others opinions as some did offer on my tornado dream. Nothing wrong with me, but maybe God is revealing something to me…who knows. Thanks.
a high skyscraper: anxiety/up-coming fall from ? perfection
clouds blotting / the sun/yellow rain: depressed mood / sadness-tears
storm: turmoil
president: controller of your world smiles and does nothing, going off with the masses
pointless wanderings everywhere you look / meaninglessness in life, in books etc
Batman: your heros/ideals/desire to matter, all taking a beating

don’t let the world get you down
there’s lots of hope in this - pray calmly
the fact that it is so vivid suggests that these are issues you have dealt with

not sure if this makes sense or has any meaning for you - that’s how i read it, not knowing anything about you
What is important to note about your dream is that you somehow feel superior to another to the point of calling them evil with all caps. That someone being the President of the United States of America. I’m sure in your dreams you are superior to many, and may even need a superhero from a comic strip to come in to help save something, something that must be done for the good of all.
Don’t ask for help interpreting nonsense. You don’t want help with interpretation, you want your views to be held as those that will “save us” with the help of your superhero from a comic strip and your worldview since you must feel it needs some backup from somewhere.
This is an example of one of the reasons that I would never say anything personal on forums.
To the OP: thanks for sharing - it makes us real to one another.
Sounds like a really intense dream.

Not sure if God is telling you something, since you already know what is going on. A powerful ruler sits above the masses, people going about their daily business, noticing something is wrong but trying to pretend otherwise, a man who many consider to be a saviour (Batman) is just a man and suffers the same faith. Perhaps a message from God is what you did in your dream: you prayed. So keep doing that 👍
Pretend to become each object or person in your dream and describe them to yourself. For example, you might say that I’m Batman and I’m a powerful but defeated person who is determined to stop the evil Obama administration. Do this for the lightening and every other object you may have. After doing this for each object in your dream, you will have the meaning of your dream. Not that it reflects reality, Obama might be an honorable person in real life, but at least you are able to make sense of your dream. The key is what does the dream mean to you after taking on the character of each object. What I’m describing is a part of Gestalt psychology, and is used by many therapists when analyzing the dreams of their patients.
This dream reminds me a lot of the biblical story or the Tower of Babel. The building seems newly built so it may be the vision of obama for America that he has built up.

Water usually represents grace but it can also represent cleansing. Yellow may indicate the nature of the cleansing. Could yellow rain mean Chinese invasion to cleanse america like the Babylonian invasion cleansed Israel? Lightning is the power of god. Sounds like a bad storm outside.

Fictional characters are human creations or heroes that are not of god and generally do not rely on god for their power. They will have no power to rescue in this coming storm or stop the government evil.

Batman is a fictional vigilante wealthy genius super fighter. He has no super powers but relies on technology, political and economic power, and perfected earthly fighting skill.

I am betting you didn’t see Benjamin Jacob Grim in your dream aka the Thing as he is one of the only marvel super heroes who’s religion is known. He is a devout jew and is killed once and is later brought back to life by god, but I digress.

Walking in a circular pattern may be akin of making a covenant as they did in the old world. Like when god put Moses asleep and walked in a double circle making the covenant with Abraham. Question is who is Obama making a covenant with?

If I were a guessing man the rooms represent offices of power in this new building.

So fictional super heroes walking into rooms of office but not staying long and moving to the next seems like an unusual or unstable type of government with no real power or stability.

The everything is normal voice is probably to block out the god driven perfect storm of calamities happening outside the building.

Did the tower look like the freedom tower built in NYC to replace the twin towers?

Interesting dream. What were you doing in the dream?
Lately I have been the recipient of some weird dreams. No I had not been drinking, etc, blah, blah.

I think these are coming from God and yeah I know how that sounds. Let me explain the dream I had Sunday evening/Monday morning.

As a preface, we all know what Catholics and other faiths are dealing with in the Obama era so here goes:

I am walking up in a high, and I mean HIGH, skyscraper, newly built, shiny silver, and all the cleanest glass fixtures you could ever see. President Obama is there and as he surveys the multitudes of people walking through this building, a window open behind him and I notice the sun starting to be blotted out by clouds and this this YELLOW colored rain starts to drown the earth. I mean torrential downoours with wind, thunder and lightning. Everybody in this building is running and screaming frantically.

I remain calm as I know somehow the president is behind this and he looks at me with a smile. I begin to pray. When the rain stops, he then begins to walk in circles on one of the floors and millions of people begin to walk through this building going in and out of doors. Now here is the weird part. Anybody that you could ever imagined seeing is there in some way, shape, or fashion. For instance, I see fictional characters as real people with the most mundane expressions, I see people I have known and for like HOURS they are doing nothing but walking through doors. A disguised voice plays over an intercom that the entire building can hear. “This is reality…this is real…this is normal…” along with other distorted voices. I glance in another room and, don’t laugh, Batman is in there behind bars after being beaten by government officials and he and I make contact. His eyes tell me “there is no hope” and I wake up literally scared.

I would say, after heavy mulling, the building is some representation of America or the world itself, God only knows what the yellow rain is, and the people, fictional people, from all walks of life looking mundane and just forcing themselves to continue walking could be the populace at large looking and feeling as if there is no hope. Batman? A symbol of good, the good in all of us, the good that gets angry at the oppression that goes on. Obama? Well, no stretch. EVIL.

Would like others opinions as some did offer on my tornado dream. Nothing wrong with me, but maybe God is revealing something to me…who knows. Thanks.
The skyscraper can only be the new freedom tower. The yellow rain is spiritual wrath. Batman represents the battle over gay rights in the courts and the defeat of the Catholic in legal circles. The people walking in and out of doors represents your general suspect mind of everyone now, since we all as a humanity allowed this to occur by handing over batman to be abused. I do not at all think Obama is evil. He might simply represent the balloon quote cartoons at the beginning of every batman episode “BAM”, ZAM, ZAP etc.
Most importantly is that you, my friend, have contrived quite a dream to try and dream again. However,
the fact that Obama is the first black president and that batman wears a black mask is quite ironic to your own interpretation. It makes him a champion of freedom, a doctrine Catholics have made a cornerstone of their moral philosophy.
Lately I have been the recipient of some weird dreams. No I had not been drinking, etc, blah, blah.

I think these are coming from God and yeah I know how that sounds. Let me explain the dream I had Sunday evening/Monday morning.

As a preface, we all know what Catholics and other faiths are dealing with in the Obama era so here goes:

I am walking up in a high, and I mean HIGH, skyscraper, newly built, shiny silver, and all the cleanest glass fixtures you could ever see. President Obama is there and as he surveys the multitudes of people walking through this building, a window open behind him and I notice the sun starting to be blotted out by clouds and this this YELLOW colored rain starts to drown the earth. I mean torrential downoours with wind, thunder and lightning. Everybody in this building is running and screaming frantically.

I remain calm as I know somehow the president is behind this and he looks at me with a smile. I begin to pray. When the rain stops, he then begins to walk in circles on one of the floors and millions of people begin to walk through this building going in and out of doors. Now here is the weird part. Anybody that you could ever imagined seeing is there in some way, shape, or fashion. For instance, I see fictional characters as real people with the most mundane expressions, I see people I have known and for like HOURS they are doing nothing but walking through doors. A disguised voice plays over an intercom that the entire building can hear. “This is reality…this is real…this is normal…” along with other distorted voices. I glance in another room and, don’t laugh, Batman is in there behind bars after being beaten by government officials and he and I make contact. His eyes tell me “there is no hope” and I wake up literally scared.

I would say, after heavy mulling, the building is some representation of America or the world itself, God only knows what the yellow rain is, and the people, fictional people, from all walks of life looking mundane and just forcing themselves to continue walking could be the populace at large looking and feeling as if there is no hope. Batman? A symbol of good, the good in all of us, the good that gets angry at the oppression that goes on. Obama? Well, no stretch. EVIL.

Would like others opinions as some did offer on my tornado dream. Nothing wrong with me, but maybe God is revealing something to me…who knows. Thanks.
The regulars here don’t believe in any sort of omens, signs, or harbingers. Trust me on that. You’re better off asking those questions on a Pentecostal or Evangelical site. At least those folks aren’t afraid to “go there.”
Have you thought about googling the main features of your dream? If you do you will find many people’s dream’s contain similar elements and there is no great mystery to understanding what they mean. When I have done this I find my dreams often make perfect sense. For example, on one occasion I was going through a very emotional time and kept dreaming of tidal waves, storms at sea and drowning. When I googled this I found it was simply representative of my emotional state.

I googled yellow and rain and apparently in conjunction they symbolize hope, inspiration, cleansing and purification. As dreams are our brain’s way of sorting things that are going on in our head during the day while we are asleep, Obama appears because he is on your mind and a worry? Going through doors can symbolize being open to change. As for Batman, I wouldn’t pay too much attention to that as the odd Red Herring will always creep in. 😉

Our dreams are a visual representation of what is going on in our own minds. Nothing more, nothing less. As they are visual they are very powerful, and lucid dreams are REALLY powerful. :hypno: Interpreting them enables us to understand ourselves and how we are managing our lives and what is going on around us.

There is no great mystery to it, have fun googling elements of dreams. Hope you find it useful. 🙂
Let me give it a shot, for whatever it is worth.

The skyscraper represents all the mammon in this nation. For instance, some folks, being decieved, look highly upon wealth, the latest publicly traded common stock, climbing the corporate ladder, keeping up with the Jones’s, money, etc…

The people going in and out of doors are the sheople who are mislead by the media, wallstreet, money, etc…

The lesson is that you can’t count on the leadership of the United States to provide those things you really desire in life (true inner peace, love of neighbor), etc… Therefore, you must trust in a higher power, because not even batman can help out on this one.

That said, if you got scared during the dream, it was probably not from God.
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