Need Help Praying to Holy Spirit

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It seems like there should be an effort to develop a rosary-like prayer to the Holy Spirit. I would like to pray to the Holy Spirit more, and I’m hampered by the dearth of published prayers to the Holy Spirit.

Any ideas to help me?
I have been in your shoes lately B. Like you, I had NO idea where to start…so I asked.

I asked the Holy Spirit to draw me closer to Him- and He is. Not in any radical way, but I find I am more conscious of Him, I think of Him often, praying, just generally aware of Him.

My advice? Ask.

Hope that helps!

Here are a couple of prayers:

Holy Spirit Novena

Dearest Holy Spirit, confiding in Your deep, personal love for me, I am making this novena for the following request, if it be Your Holy Will to grant it: (mention your request).

Teach me, Divine Spirit, to know and seek my last end; grant me the holy fear of God; grant me true contrition and patience.
Do not let me fall into sin. Give me an increase of faith, hope and charity, and bring forth in my soul all the virtues proper to my state in life.

Make me a faithful disciple of Jesus and an obedient child of the Church. Give me efficacious grace sufficient to keep the Commandments and to receive the Sacraments worthily.
Give me the four Cardinal Virtues, Your Seven Gifts, Your Twelve Fruits. Raise me to perfection in the state of life to which You have called me and lead me through a happy death to everlasting life. I ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Also this link for a Novena to the Holy Spirit:

And some Litanies to the Holy Spirit – scroll down and you’ll find two:

And, one of the easiest that you can say throughout the day:
Come, Holy Spirit!
There’s a “Devotions to the Holy Spirit” section in my *Daily Roman Missal *(published by Midwest Theological Forum, Scepter Publishers, and Our Sunady Visitor, 2003). Likewise, there’s a “God the Holy Spirit” section in my *Peoples Prayer Book, New Saint Joseph’s edition, *(Catholic Book Publishing Co., 2001). Lot’s of good prayers to choose from.
One of my favorite prayers to the Holy Spirit…

Come Holy Spirit, enkindle the fire of your love.
Transform all that is fearful into boldness of heart.

***Inspire your servant with Wonder and Awe ***
at the Mystery of Your Presence.
Confirm Your friend in Compassion and Forgiveness.
Whisper Discernment in the midst of confusion;
be Wisdom in time of trouble;
Reverence in the face of diversity;
Patience with the unfolding of life

***and forever anoint ***
Your messager with joy. Amen

Go to confession. The blessings and gifts from the Holy Spirit are so great after going to confession. The priest and you are able to pray together at this time, making it doubley nice.
Prayer To The Holy Spirit by Cardinal Mercier

I am going to reveal to you the secret of sanctity and happiness. Every day for five minutes control your imagination and close your eyes to the things of sense and your ears to all the noises of the world, in order to enter into yourself. Then, in the sanctity of your baptized soul (which is the temple of the Holy Spirit) speak to the Divine Spirit, saying to Him:

"O, Holy Spirit, beloved of my soul,…I adore You. Enlighten me, guide me, strengthen me, console me. Tell me what I should do…give me Your orders. I promise to submit myself to all that You desire of me and to accept all that You permit to happen to me. Let me only know Your will.

If you do this, your life will flow along happily, serenely and full of consolation, even in the midst of trials. Grace will be proportioned to the trial, giving you the strength to carry it and you will arrive at the gate of Paradise, laden with merit. This submission to the Holy Spirit is the secret of sanctity.
Dear friend

I pray this prayer below (which is a hymn a Priest I love dearly gave to me to pray) as well as the prayer by Cardinal Mercier another poster provided. I also pray this prayer ‘Come Holy Spirit, Creator come and I shall be recreated’

Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, come,
From thy bright heav’nly throne,
Come take possession of our souls,
And make them all thy own.

Thou who art called the Paraclete,
Best gift of God above,
The living spring, the living fire,
Sweet unction and true love.

Thou who art sev’nfold in thy grace,
Finger of God’s right hand
His promise teaching little ones
To speak and understand.

O guide our minds with thy bless’d light,
With love our hearts inflame;
And with thy strength, which ne’er decays
Confirm our mortal frame.

Far from us drive our deadly foe;
True peace unto us bring;
And through all perils lead us safe
Beneath thy sacred wing.

Through thee may we the Father know,
Through thee th’ eternal Son,
And thee, the Spirit of them both,
Thrice-blessed Three in One.

All glory to the Father be,
With his coequal Son;
The same to thee, great Paraclete,
While endless ages run.


Simply talk to Him friend, the Holy Spirit will listen and talk with you.

May the Holy Spirit remain ever with you in fellowship and consolation.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

It seems like there should be an effort to develop a rosary-like prayer to the Holy Spirit. I would like to pray to the Holy Spirit more, and I’m hampered by the dearth of published prayers to the Holy Spirit.

Any ideas to help me?
There is a Chaplet to the Holy Spirit, written by a Franciscan Cappuchin monk in the late 1800’s, and approved by Pope Leo XIII. It is a wonderful devotion. You can find it here:

That’s as close to a Holy Spirit rosary as you’ll get.

That’s one of my favorite chaplets. Also, try mental prayer to the Holy Spirit. He’ll respond! 🙂 I think I pray to Him more than I do to the Father or to Jesus or to any of the saints.
There is a Chaplet to the Holy Spirit, written by a Franciscan Cappuchin monk in the late 1800’s, and approved by Pope Leo XIII. It is a wonderful devotion. You can find it here:

That’s as close to a Holy Spirit rosary as you’ll get.

That’s one of my favorite chaplets. Also, try mental prayer to the Holy Spirit. He’ll respond! 🙂 I think I pray to Him more than I do to the Father or to Jesus or to any of the saints.

My God
My God
Why have I offended You?
It seems like there should be an effort to develop a rosary-like prayer to the Holy Spirit. I would like to pray to the Holy Spirit more, and I’m hampered by the dearth of published prayers to the Holy Spirit.

Any ideas to help me?
Have you tried Perpetual Adoration? I’ve heard about lots of people who experience great peace while praying to God in this way.

my Mother my Confidence,
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