There are a few things that keep me from moving on and start to question absolute truth. I need some help in getting rid of these hang-ups and put these issues at rest
#1 is the concept of paraconsistent logic.
It is a logic that believes that contradictions can be true such as “There are no absolutes”, “This sentence is false”, and other statements that contradict themselves.
One post made earlier in the week mentioned this and it kind of scares me:
“Gödel discovered that any logical system powerful enough to perform arithmetic could be used to talk about itself. He did this by converting every logical formula to a unique integer, using a technique he devised known as Gödel numbering. Having done so, he proved that if he added to the logical system an axiom “This logical system is consistent”, he could use that axiom to prove the opposite “This logical system is not consistent”.”
And the fact that I’ve heard that some people used paracosinstent logic in mathematics.
#2 is the fact that logic isn’t just thinking. It is a system created, and there are other systems. Some contradict each other.
#3 is the fact that EVERYTHING comes down to what we believe. Even that statement comes down to belief…and belief about believing that statement and on and on and on
So pretty much I need to get rid of these 3 lines of thinking:
I would appreciate some really solid rebuttals of these claims that attack traditional logic.
#1 is the concept of paraconsistent logic.
It is a logic that believes that contradictions can be true such as “There are no absolutes”, “This sentence is false”, and other statements that contradict themselves.
One post made earlier in the week mentioned this and it kind of scares me:
“Gödel discovered that any logical system powerful enough to perform arithmetic could be used to talk about itself. He did this by converting every logical formula to a unique integer, using a technique he devised known as Gödel numbering. Having done so, he proved that if he added to the logical system an axiom “This logical system is consistent”, he could use that axiom to prove the opposite “This logical system is not consistent”.”
And the fact that I’ve heard that some people used paracosinstent logic in mathematics.
#2 is the fact that logic isn’t just thinking. It is a system created, and there are other systems. Some contradict each other.
#3 is the fact that EVERYTHING comes down to what we believe. Even that statement comes down to belief…and belief about believing that statement and on and on and on
So pretty much I need to get rid of these 3 lines of thinking:
- Things can be true and untrue at the same time.
- Classical logic is outdated while paraconsitent logic and others are more accurate.
I would appreciate some really solid rebuttals of these claims that attack traditional logic.