Need Help Voting Pro-Life!

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I would like to vote pro-life, but I need to know which Supreme Court Justices and District Court of Appeals Judges are pro-life.

Is there any resource available regarding this?


Eric Giunta
Since these positions are filled by appointment and not by election, all you have to do is vote for the presidential candidate that will appoint pro-life men and women as these judges and the members of congress who would approve pro-life appointees.
Well, in the sample ballot I’m looking at there’s a section titled “Non=Partisan” and there they have whole sections asking “Shall Justice So-and-So of the State Supreme Court be retained in office?”

Ditto for the Court of Appeals Judges.

What do I do? Those websites tell me nothing!
You might check Planned Parenthood’s website (or another like site) and do the opposite of their recommendation.

Judicial candidates are not allowed to state how they would rule if a particular issue came before them. Many candidates take this to mean that they can’t say whether they are pro-life.
Try your state Right to Life Organization. Texas Right to Life lists all of the candiates all the way down to Railroad Commissioner and Precinct Chair. If it isn’t on their website, try calling them directly.
What do I do? Those websites tell me nothing!
OK, don’t get bogged down in the verbiage on the ballot. “Non-Partisan” simply translates as “no party” affiliation. The “Shall Justice so-and-so of particular court be retained” question indicates you vote yes or no on that particular judge remaining on the bench in that particular court. (“Standing in retention” = incumbent)

A quick google yeilded this website regarding the laws concerning Judicial Campaigns and Elections in Florida. At the very end of that link is a paragraph stating that the Florida Bar produces a voter guide, but I couldn’t find it on their website. You might have some luck tracking down a copy via your State Division of Elections.

The easiest way to find out where any candidate stands on certain issues is to see who is contributing to his campaign. Head over to the Federal Election Commission website and try running some searches on the candidates there.

Another option would be to just do a google search on each individual running for office. You’d be amazed at what you can find out with some careful digging - old articles on rulings, etc. Also, try doing some reading at the Florida State Courts website.

Last idea - talk to other active pro-life people in your parish. They may be better tuned in to some of the judge’s track records on life issues. Look for older people who have been involved in RTL for several years - they’re the best resources you could find.
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