A few months ago I took a part-time job with a small protestant Christian book/gift store. I felt blessed at the time, because I hadn’t been in the workplace for 9 years and need to supplement our income…blah…blah…blah. And frankly, I was unaware of the anti-catholic attitude in the protestant world.
Anyway, I’m not feeling so blessed anymore. Sometimes, I really feel like I have “crossed enemy lines.” I noticed there were very few Catholic items in the store…and naively thought it was because we have a local catholic store and the store wasn’t trying to take business away from them. Now, I realize that some of our customers find Catholic items offensive and wonder why we would even carry them.
This week I was helping a customer find a bible for her mother. She wanted one that was imprintable because she didn’t want her mom to be able to return it. I thought it was nice that she wanted to help her mom have Gods Word available and helped her find just what she was looking for. Towards the end of her visit she let slip that her mom was Catholic and was trying to get her mom to start reading a protestant bible. I was so upset/mad/offended I could barely finish her transaction. This type of interaction takes place about every 3-4 weeks.
I have thought about quitting but we need the extra cash (I’ve tried to find other things to do for income…i.e. babysitting, mlm) and I thought by staying there I could be a beacon of light for any catholic customers that come it.
I really am back and forth w/my decision. Hearing someone elses view, might help.
Anyway, I’m not feeling so blessed anymore. Sometimes, I really feel like I have “crossed enemy lines.” I noticed there were very few Catholic items in the store…and naively thought it was because we have a local catholic store and the store wasn’t trying to take business away from them. Now, I realize that some of our customers find Catholic items offensive and wonder why we would even carry them.
This week I was helping a customer find a bible for her mother. She wanted one that was imprintable because she didn’t want her mom to be able to return it. I thought it was nice that she wanted to help her mom have Gods Word available and helped her find just what she was looking for. Towards the end of her visit she let slip that her mom was Catholic and was trying to get her mom to start reading a protestant bible. I was so upset/mad/offended I could barely finish her transaction. This type of interaction takes place about every 3-4 weeks.
I have thought about quitting but we need the extra cash (I’ve tried to find other things to do for income…i.e. babysitting, mlm) and I thought by staying there I could be a beacon of light for any catholic customers that come it.
I really am back and forth w/my decision. Hearing someone elses view, might help.