My daughter is presently going to a mostly male college. I believe approximately 85-90% male. The issue at the moment is in choosing her major. The school is focused and therefore doesn’t offer a wide diversity of majors. There are a relative few majors of which two predominate.
The two are engineering majors and a marine transportation major. Although she poses strong math skills she is adament about not pursuing Engineering. Being an Engineer myself I can relate to the issues she has with the profession (Engineering is a wonderful profession but not for everybody). This leave the choice of either the marine transprotation, or one of the relatively lesser known lesser specialized and lesser proven majors the school offers.
Where I hope people on this forum may be able to help me is in the just how we feel as Catholics to a woman pursuing a profession that has much potential for offering jobs that would require the woman to be away from home for many weeks possibly months at a time.
Often, on my way to work in the morning I listen to Christian radio. Of course if the oppurtunity were available I’d listen to Catholic broadcast instead. The other day I was listening to John McCarther (excuse spelling please). He was basically preaching on how the woman’s primary role was in the home. He was very strong in his opinion on to the degree of this.
My daughter has hopes of a family someday. Her idea, at this time is to work for a number of years (5-10) making a very good income, then following this time frame, taking a job that, although still in the MT profession enabled her to lead a more traditional life.
Just a little background; Mydaughter wishes to pursue the MT option. I am attempting to find the motive for such a decision but she is not the warm talkative type. I do know she has this idea of not desiring a traditional job. MT would certainly not be traditional. However, at 19, sometimes one’s motives may not be the most maturely inspired. My daughter was recently (2 Easters ago) confirmed into the Catholic faith. To be perfectly honest I do not know just how much of this came from her heart and how much came from an attempt to please me. I turned my life around in recent years. I think the term for me is “revert”. After a 35 year absence I now take my faith very seriously. Of course this was apparent to my family and has changed much about our lives.
Of course I could go on and on to paint a more detailed picture but I suppose the reason for this post is to get opinions of devout Catholics, such as yourselves on a woman pursing such a path.
Thank you in advance.
The two are engineering majors and a marine transportation major. Although she poses strong math skills she is adament about not pursuing Engineering. Being an Engineer myself I can relate to the issues she has with the profession (Engineering is a wonderful profession but not for everybody). This leave the choice of either the marine transprotation, or one of the relatively lesser known lesser specialized and lesser proven majors the school offers.
Where I hope people on this forum may be able to help me is in the just how we feel as Catholics to a woman pursuing a profession that has much potential for offering jobs that would require the woman to be away from home for many weeks possibly months at a time.
Often, on my way to work in the morning I listen to Christian radio. Of course if the oppurtunity were available I’d listen to Catholic broadcast instead. The other day I was listening to John McCarther (excuse spelling please). He was basically preaching on how the woman’s primary role was in the home. He was very strong in his opinion on to the degree of this.
My daughter has hopes of a family someday. Her idea, at this time is to work for a number of years (5-10) making a very good income, then following this time frame, taking a job that, although still in the MT profession enabled her to lead a more traditional life.
Just a little background; Mydaughter wishes to pursue the MT option. I am attempting to find the motive for such a decision but she is not the warm talkative type. I do know she has this idea of not desiring a traditional job. MT would certainly not be traditional. However, at 19, sometimes one’s motives may not be the most maturely inspired. My daughter was recently (2 Easters ago) confirmed into the Catholic faith. To be perfectly honest I do not know just how much of this came from her heart and how much came from an attempt to please me. I turned my life around in recent years. I think the term for me is “revert”. After a 35 year absence I now take my faith very seriously. Of course this was apparent to my family and has changed much about our lives.
Of course I could go on and on to paint a more detailed picture but I suppose the reason for this post is to get opinions of devout Catholics, such as yourselves on a woman pursing such a path.
Thank you in advance.