I really don’t know how to ask this question, exactly. I’m having a very difficult time explaining to my mom that the Catholic Church is not just another denomination, which by the way is a far more enlightened point-of-view then most of the people I have come across in the last couple of years.
Let’s face it: it’s easier to be a Protestant then a Catholic. You can make up your own rules and pick and choose what rules you want to fallow as you go along. The issue I’m having a hard time with is the Sunday obligation to attend Mass. Right now I have some things going on in my life that make it difficult to go to Mass, but not impossible. There are some safety concerns (very long story and I don’t want to go into it now or here) about my going, but I think they are not sufficient to keep me home. She is putting me under pressure not to go, to stay at my home and “watch EWTN.” She doesn’t seem to understand that this is a religious obligation, not something I can pick or choose to fallow as a matter of convenience. I am an adult and living on my own so I don’t need anyone’s permission to go but she is my mother and I also have an obligation to “Honor thy father and thy mother.”
I could just go and not tell her, maybe that would be best.
Let’s face it: it’s easier to be a Protestant then a Catholic. You can make up your own rules and pick and choose what rules you want to fallow as you go along. The issue I’m having a hard time with is the Sunday obligation to attend Mass. Right now I have some things going on in my life that make it difficult to go to Mass, but not impossible. There are some safety concerns (very long story and I don’t want to go into it now or here) about my going, but I think they are not sufficient to keep me home. She is putting me under pressure not to go, to stay at my home and “watch EWTN.” She doesn’t seem to understand that this is a religious obligation, not something I can pick or choose to fallow as a matter of convenience. I am an adult and living on my own so I don’t need anyone’s permission to go but she is my mother and I also have an obligation to “Honor thy father and thy mother.”
I could just go and not tell her, maybe that would be best.