Need help with prayer and worthiness

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I’ve been going through a lot of personal problems and such. Everyone (christian) that I ask says that I should pray for help…but everything I’ve done is against God and I can’t bring myself to pray because I feel “unworthy”, like i blew my chances. Have any of you experienced this? and if so, how did you get over it?
Yes I have been through something similar. I sinned against God greatly in my life and thought that it was hopeless and I was going to hell and there was no way He could forgive me for my sins I committed against HIm. I have gotten through this by Confession for one and even when I didn’t feel like He could forgive me I still prayed to Him anyway and I told Him how I felt and I also read revelations and scripture on the mercy of God, which is INFINITE! there is NOTHING He cannot and WILl not forgive so long as we are repentant. His heart is an infiinite ocean of Love and mercy! When one wants forgiveness He recieves them with open arms with a big smile on His face and He no longer recalls your sins.

Read Saint Faustina, this would help you to realize the Mercy of God.

God Bless and I will keep you in my prayers my friend,
Also God is more hurt when we do not trust in His Mercy, there is nothing He will not do for the soul that trusts in HIm, even if his sins be as scarlet.

May you find hope in the infinite Mercy of God,
I’ve been going through a lot of personal problems and such. Everyone (christian) that I ask says that I should pray for help…but everything I’ve done is against God and I can’t bring myself to pray because I feel “unworthy”, like i blew my chances. Have any of you experienced this? and if so, how did you get over it?
Hi Sarc.Our God is a loving and forgiving God. Its time to recommit your life to Jesus Christ.Its time to nail your sins to the cross and start fresh.And yes you are worthy,you are precious to Him. Stop putting yourself down. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Read your bible and begin to speak Gods promises to you. There is power in the Word of God. God Bless. 👍
God HEARS ALL prayers that from the HEART!

Talk to Him, He is only waiting for you to.
God is WAAAYYYYY bigger than your sin. His love is WAAAYYYYY bigger than your dread.
Luke 15:1-7
The Parable of the Lost Sheep
  1. The tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to listen to him,
  2. but the Pharisees and scribes began to complain, saying, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.”
  3. So to them he addressed this parable.
  4. "What man among you having a hundred sheep and losing one of them would not leave the ninety-nine in the desert and go after the lost one until he finds it?
  5. And when he does find it, he sets it on his shoulders with great joy
  6. and, upon his arrival home, he calls together his friends and neighbors and says to them, `Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep.’
  7. I tell you, in just the same way there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance.

Sar- God wants you so much to come to him. If you don’t own a Bible, you may want to aquire one. There is so much comfort in Jesus words of forgiveness. He so longs for us to return to him. Some of the greatest saints in the church were also some of the worst sinners, I’m sure nothing you’ve done can compare.

Think of the person you love most in your life, realize that God’s love for you is more than 1000 times greater than that. He loves you as if you are the only person in existance and he misses you so much.

We have all messed up, we have all fallen short. God is waiting for you with open arms. You are in my prayers.
Thank you all for your advice and support!! But, how does one start praying? I’ve never done it. It seems strange to just start talking to someone who doesn’t appear to be in your presence.

BTW, kaily, your faustina link didn’t work…
sorry typo,

I was in the same place as you were sarc, when I found God, I had NEVER prayed in my entire life, it was all very alien to me. But I began to learn, here is the KEY: pray from your heart. Treat Him as you would your best friend, but always remembering that He is holy. Tell Him EVERYTHING that is on your mind, in your heart. The prayer Jesus likes the best is the heart to heart conversation. He will be everything and anything to you: your mother, your spouse, your friend, your sister, brother, Father, He only wants us to be intimate with Him(by the way that is from prayer of St. John Chrystostom). Go to a book store and find some good books on prayer. Start out by just talking to HIm and invite Him into your life. Prayer can just be a simple conversation with God. I will try to find some stuff for you to look at, but I have to go right now.

God Bless,
Thank you so much kaily…this means so much to me!!! Ok, well i will try praying…reading your link right now!! Thanks again!!
I’ve been going through a lot of personal problems and such. Everyone (christian) that I ask says that I should pray for help…but everything I’ve done is against God and I can’t bring myself to pray because I feel “unworthy”, like i blew my chances. Have any of you experienced this? and if so, how did you get over it?
Dear friend

God loves you when you sin or when you don’t sin, His love unchanging. Nothing EVER changes about God. He ALWAYS loves you and you are His son/daughter. He is your Father, just as a father never stops loving their child, your Father in heaven loves you always and is waiting for you to turn to Him and say to Him you are sorry for ever offending Him.

Go before the Blessed Sacrament and tell God what you truly think in your mind and feel in your heart, in simple and plain speech you would use with your best friend, because Jesus is your best friend and a best friend always loves you no matter what. Talk to Jesus there before His Real Presence. Then make a good and honest confession and claim back your friendship with God that God so wills you have dear friend, that you live in love with Him all of your living days.

Dearest friend, heaven will rejoice! Such joy will be in Heaven that day you do this and make a good confession! Don’t worry about the confession, Priests have heard every manner of sin, there is nothing you can surprise them with.

Believe God loves you, know Christ Jesus would have died for you had you been the only human on the planet, because He would have. Believe the Holy Spirit has placed this in your heart because the Father is drawing you back to Him and the Father is saying to you, ‘Come my dearly loved child, though you have sinned and though your shame is great and your offense to Me has hurt My Eternal Heart, I can forgive all of this because of your sincere and contrite heart and because child, I will it and I love you always, from before time I had you in My mind, from the beginning to the end of time and into all eternity you are Mine, you are My dearly dearly beloved child.’

God Bless you and much love and peace to you


I sent you a private message, just so you know to check it.

God Bless,
No, you are not worthy, I am not worthy, nobody on these forums is worthy, your pastor is not worthy, the pope is not worthy. Only Jesus Christ is worthy, and that is all we need, because in Him we become worthy. We need only seek relationship and communion with Him, which we do in the sacraments, especially the Eucharist. Lord I am not worthy, but only say the word and I shall be healed.
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