Need help with somethingg

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Never mind problem solved. Thanks and God bless!
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Hi Someboy!

Welcome aboard!

Here’s something that helps me with my “wandering eyes”:

Whenever I see an attractive person, I think to myself “This is another child of God” and that image neutralizes the lustful thoughts.

Works for me! Try it yourself and see if it helps you.
Thank you for the advice Stuart! I will definitely try that! I will tell you though, every time my eyes do wander, I always try to say a Hail Mary, but I’ve done it so much at this point the effect sort of wears off and i find myself just mumbling in my mind as I continue to glance at things I shouldn’t. But, starting tomorrow I will try to remind myself when in those situations that they are children of God. Thanks!
Again, this is the third thread I have just posted to. CAF has a duty to its minors to protect the, from scandal due to threads of a sexual issue nature.

CAF has a duty to this minor to protect him, and a responsibility as a Catholic Apostolate to promote child safety.
You are a minor, so you claim. . We adults have a responsibility to protect you.

CAF has a responsibility to protect you given they accept your membership.

The only appropriate response is speak to your Priest and your parents.

And that should be in the rules, and these type of threads not published.
Okay, I’m sorry I did not realize! Won’t be happening again! Thanks for letting me know.
It’s not a thing yet.

But it should be. For anyone reading this.
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