Hello everyone. Before I begin, let me describe myself in order for you to get a better understanding of my predicament. I am a high school senior guy with everything going right for me on the surface. I have great grades, am well liked by peers and teachers, and am involved in several sports. My family and I are practicing Catholics. However, over the past couple years I feel as though I have slide into spiritual confusion. I used to be very confident in the teachings of the church and had a firm understanding of who I was and what my place in the world was. Nowadays, I cannot get the idea of doubting everything out of my mind. My questions range from the classic “Is there a God” to questioning specific doctrines of the church to questioning reality itself. All of this has made me feel like a shell of myself and hypocritical because of the confident way I project myself in the outside world. Is there any way to get back onto firmer footing and to regain the confidence in God and the church again? I apologize pre-emptively if the question is a little vague, but that is the nature of my dilemma- vague and confusing.