Ok. I really need some advice here. I’ll try and keep this short. My older sister has been in jail for almost 5 years now for DUI manslaughter, DUI bodily injury, and another felony that I can’t recall. After 2, who keeps track? She has a history of serious mental instability going back to her early teens. She is now on medication and seems to be doing very well. She is due to be released in Nov. of this year. I have lived through so many years of her lying, stealing, drinking, drugging, etc. but have always and will always love her dearly. When she is taking her medication properly, she is one of the most caring, loving, compassionate, intelligent people I’ve ever known. Anyhow, as I said she is due to be released for 10 years of probation with very strict guidelines (AA every day, shrink once a week, revocation of driving license). If she makes one wrong move, she’s back in the pokey for the rest of her sentence (which will absolutely destroy my parents). My entire family is anticipating her release with a mixture of joy, because we’ll have her back, and terror, because we’ll have her back. We couldn’t stop her from going down this path before, much as we tried, and I’m so scared she’ll lose her grip and end up back in jail. My hubby keeps telling me that having been to prison, the last thing she’ll want to do is screw up again and go back. The thing is, she never wanted to go there in the first place….she just comes totally unglued when she’s not on her meds. She’s also very intelligent, so much so that she frequently thought she didn’t need her meds. Then everything goes to hell in a handbasket. Here’s the problem: How do we (family) treat her when she gets out? Initially, she’ll be living with me and DH since we’ve been keeping her birds while she’s been incarcerated. But how am I supposed to be able to let her go and live her life when she’s never been able to do that successfully for more than 5 years at a time before she goes psycho again? Not to mention the fact that when she lost it last time, someone else got killed. DH found a beautiful house for her, where she can walk or bike ride to work….lots of space for the parrots……close to grocery store, etc. But it’s 30 minutes away from me!!! How can I keep an eye on her from that distance??? Should I be trying to keep an eye on her in the first place?? DH says I need to be there for her, but not make her feel like a child whose every move is examined under a microscope. I understand his point, but given her past….how can I trust her not to destroy her future and that of my entire family? She says she’s become very “spiritual” in prison, but not Christian and certainly not Catholic (insofar as I can tell). She says Catholicism is too confining (oh, the irony). Anyway, I just don’t know what to do, and that release date keeps getting closer. Advice?