there are more than just two Churches of Christ. there is the “Church of Jesus Christ and latter day saints” (the mormons), the Church of Christ Scientology (christian science), the denomination Church of Christ (which ironically enough agree with the catholic position on baptism having an active role in salvation, but they don’t baptize infants) and they are actually Christian (don’t get into some argument that mormons are Christian and scientology is Christian because you aren’t going to convince me and that’s not what this thread is about, there are already enough threads dealing with that issue). from the denomination “Church of Christ” comes the cult (started by a pastor in boston and has since been ejected from the Church of Christ but he kept the same name) and it is still called “the Church of Christ” but it will have a city name in their also like, “the Boston Church of Christ” or the (the one i’m familiar with) “the Cincinnati Church of Christ”. this last group seems like another Christian church (and they have many good beliefs) but they use very controlling methods to keep people involved. they invite folks to Bible studies that, on the surface, seem ok, but the more you get involved and become a member they track your giving (i.e. you have to give a certain percentage or amount to the church and nowhere else or else you are kicked out and go to hell), you have a quota of people you must bring in each month or couple of months, you must confess your sins to the congregation and if you sin too much you are out, and the biggest one is that they claim to be the only true Christianity and if you don’t attend their church you are not able to be saved. 20/20 did a story on them a few years ago because they have been popping up in many major cities (the cities that don’t have them are all doomed to hell). many people involved with them don’t know everything about them yet and are still under the guise that it is another Christian church.
those are the only Church of Christ churches i know of, which one are you looking for info on?