My In-laws who are in their mid to late 80’s and my family live real close to each other. We are walking distance from each other’s house. Once upon a time the neighborhood was ok to live in. But now the drug dealers and renters are moving in. Police and undercover cops show up in our neighborhood. There are burglary, break ins and theft in the area. In fact some one opened my in laws front gate and went into their garage around midnight about a week ago. Luckily they didn’t take anything and the cars were locked. Their house is by the boulevard and we see police chases and ambulances noises all the time. Plus my in laws can’t live on their own any more. Because they are forgetting to pay their utility bills and are getting piles of junk mail every day and their important bills get mixed up with their junk mail. My mother in law still drives to take my father in law to his doctor appointments. But she and my father in law can’t remember things anymore. Things are getting chaotic. My husband is wonderful and does everything for them including their taxes and making food for them. My kids and I help out too in what ever we can do. It’s time for all of us to move together to a better neighborhood. We want to take care of them during their last years of their lives. We want them to live a worry free life. I am already packing and we are looking for houses. My in laws met with our realtor and my mother in law is on board to move. But my father in law gets mad when we talk about moving or try to help them sort their junk mail. He wants to move to the city he grew up in into a nursing home. It’s a small town and they don’t know anybody there anymore. Plus my husband has a good job and this place is 2 hours away from the cities. My children love spending time with their grandparents and I have a great relationship with them and love them dearly. Sometimes my youngest says when we move into the new place grandpa is going to be angry and crabby and he is afraid of that. I have been praying everyday for God’s guidance. We need a lot of prayers. I am just hoping that when we go to look at the houses dad will change his mind.
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