Need prayers this weekend

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I used to post under a different name (TrishaW), but switched when the time came close that I would be leaving my husband.

For those who don’t know or don’t remember - I first came here with questions about my second marriage after no annulment. Awhile later, I talked a bit about the verbal and emotional abuse from my husband to me and our daughter.

It finally got too much and me and my daughter are going to be staying with my parents. They are coming to get us on Sunday. Neither my daughter or my husband knows. My daughter is 7 and obviously can’t keep a secret like this. My husband has made threats in the past, so I am waiting for my parents to get here before he knows what’s going on.

Please pray for us. Pray that my daughter can understand why I’m doing this and can have the life she deserves now. Pray that I have the strength and courage to get through this. Pray that my husband gets the help he so desperately needs.

Thank you so much!

May your Guardian Angels stand fast to protect you…may the Holy Spirit guide your thoughts, words and actions. May your husband be guided to find healing in the hearts of Jesus and Mary.
I will pray for you. Please take care of the safety of your daughter.
I will remember you and your situation as one of my Mass intentions. May God keep and protect you, your daughter, and your parents. Amen.

Also, ask for the help and protect of St. Michael–he never fails to do so when asked.
I will keep you in my daily prayers. If you get an opportunity, please do let us know how you are doing.😉

God bless you!

I will write your name on my prayer list. Please let us know that you got out safely. May God bless you and your little one. Maybe this will cause your husband to realize he needs help.

Please contact us when you are in a safe place. We’ll be praying for you.
I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Remember, you are never alone. We will all be think of you and praying for you.
God Bless
Thank you all so much! 🙂

I will definitely post once we are settled.

I wear a St. Michael medal and never take it off. I’ve also kept my rosary with me at all times. I’ve asked them both for their prayers and intercessions.

Thank you all again! God bless you all!

You’re on my list. PLEASE be very careful- and I hope you take off the place where you’ve listed your home state as NY, or faked it and live someplace else. I remember you, and yes, you need to get out as soon as you can. If it gets too bad this weekend, please consider taking your daughter and going to a shelter until your parents arrive.
Will pray for you when I am at Adoration next. Is your daughter his child or your first husbands child? It will make it hard if she is his.
God bless you both.
Please tell me once someone finds out… very worried.

I just found this thread… and my heart goes out to her so deeply…

Went through an identical situation 11 years ago, only my daughter was 5. No one knew I was going to leave except me and my parents… so traumatic and frightening to plan secretly for so long and to carry out in a matter of hours, sweeping up your whole life and that of your child, before he comes home… moving far away and out of reach… and then having to try and explain this to your child in the process…

Lord Jesus, Please be with Trisha… (crying, so sorry… )

Someone please text/email me as soon as you hear…?
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