Need some forgiveness situations

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I am a third grade catechist and need to have 9 situations to discuss forgiveness. I can only come up with 4. “My kids” are 8 years old…

When someone borrows a book and loses it, I…
When my classmates laugh at me when I make a mistake, I…
When my brother won’t help me with chores, I…
When our teacher promises treats and then forgets them, I…

Thank you for any help you can offer. Thank you for being here.
How about…

When my mom asks me to clean my room, and I watch TV instead, she…
I teach 3rd grade so some common offenses I have observed in the 3rd grade that would require forgiveness and hopefully an apolgy/restitution
When someone uses my pencil/crayons/scissors/ and then breaks it.
When someone tells someone else not to be my friend
When someone tells my secrets to other people
When someone uses my stuff without asking
When someone cheats off of my work
When someone lies
Thank you for your suggestions, they really help. This lesson is geared towards their forgiveness of someone… next week will be someone else’s forgiveness of their mistakes, leading up to, of course, God’s forgiveness. 🙂
I remember third grade for some reason… usually on the receiving end. 😛 (not all of these, BTW)

When someone doesn’t want me to play with them on the playground, I…
Whenever I’m picked last for a game…
When I’m made fun of because of a disability…
When someone tells a lie about me…
When someone gets me in trouble for something I didn’t do…
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