Need some help on this Saint

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I would like to know alittle more about St.Marcellus the Righteous. Like if there is a Pardon medal for him, and prayers for him that one would say to him. Because i am having a hard time looking this up all i get is when he died and little basic information about the monks he was with. So if someone could please help me out with both of those questions it would help alot.
The reason you are having trouble finding it is because he is also recognized as an Orthodox Saint, and most of the information on the internet about him seems to come from those sources.

He is also known as St. Marcellus the Sleepless, so that might help. I just did a 45 min. search and found nothing about prayers to or pardons.
I would like to know alittle more about St.Marcellus the Righteous. Like if there is a Pardon medal for him, and prayers for him that one would say to him. Because i am having a hard time looking this up all i get is when he died and little basic information about the monks he was with. So if someone could please help me out with both of those questions it would help alot.

I’d be very surprised if you were able to find a patronal medal for Saint Marcellus Akimetes (the Sleepless) a/k/a Saint Marcellus the Righteous since he is not a particularly well-known saint in the West and, therefore, doesn’t have a great following there.

As Curious observed, he is also honored by the Churches of the East, both Orthodox and Catholic, who keep his feast on December 29 as the Feast of Our Venerable and Righteous Father Marcellus, Abbot of the Monastery of the Unsleeping Ones.

The following is a Troparion or prayer intoned near the beginning of the Liturgy on his feast day:
The image of God, was faithfully preserved in you, O Father. For you took up the Cross and followed Christ. By Your actions you taught us to look beyond the flesh for it passes, rather to be concerned about the soul which is immortal. Wherefore, O Holy Marcellus, your soul rejoices with the angels.
The Kontakion or hymn prayed in his honor at the Liturgy:
Thou clad in a mortal body, O Marcellus most wise, thou strovest to emulate the Angels’ choirs in divine perpetual hymnody. And as an unsleeping shepherd of thy monastics, thou wast an example of true prayer and devoutness; O Father, intercede with the Lord, that He would save our souls.
And the Reading of his feast:
Saint Marcellus, who was from the city of Apamea in Syria, was born of renowned parents. Adorned with virtue and learning, he succeeded Saint Alexander to the abbacy of the Monastery of the Unsleeping about the year 460. This monastery was so named because the monks there were divided into three ranks, and took turns in succession for the execution of the sacred services both day and night, and thus ceaselessly sent up praise to God, without any lapse. The author of this practice was the aforementioned Alexander. As the biographer of both these Saints writes: “Later, a venerable monastery was established near the mouth of Pontus - that is, the place where the Black Sea tracts into the Bosphorus - and he introduced a rule that, though new, was superior to any found elsewhere; that is, that henceforth they should never be any cessation in the hymnody offered to God, but that through an unbroken succession of those that served in turn, there should be achieved this continuous and unceasing glorification of our Master.”
Hope this information is helpful to you.

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