Hello everyone.
Just read an article on Sister Helen Prejean she is an advocate against the death penalty and a pretty good one at that. My problem is in reading the article she mention that her friend Justice Ruth Badar Ginsburg told her that Scalia was annoyed at her for writing her book. Now please help me with this, here is a nun who can call a abortion on demand judge a friend but give Scalia a hard time for not seeing her point on the death penalty. I personally do not like the death sentence and would find it extremely difficult to send someone to death. I can say this because my father was murdered and not once did I want to seek that justice, God has graced me enough to allow Him to do it. My problem is how can Sister call a pro-choice judge a friend. Isn’t abortion a greater evil and shouldn’t the death penalty and abortion be fought together since they are both death sentences. I am really disturbed by this.
Some (name removed by moderator)ut desperately needed
God Bless
Just read an article on Sister Helen Prejean she is an advocate against the death penalty and a pretty good one at that. My problem is in reading the article she mention that her friend Justice Ruth Badar Ginsburg told her that Scalia was annoyed at her for writing her book. Now please help me with this, here is a nun who can call a abortion on demand judge a friend but give Scalia a hard time for not seeing her point on the death penalty. I personally do not like the death sentence and would find it extremely difficult to send someone to death. I can say this because my father was murdered and not once did I want to seek that justice, God has graced me enough to allow Him to do it. My problem is how can Sister call a pro-choice judge a friend. Isn’t abortion a greater evil and shouldn’t the death penalty and abortion be fought together since they are both death sentences. I am really disturbed by this.
Some (name removed by moderator)ut desperately needed
God Bless