i’ve read most of lewis’s stuff. he’s my fav author. some great ones by him are:
mere christianity
the great divorce
til we have faces
surprised by joy
the four loves
there are so many other great books he wrote, but those are some of my favs.
mere christianity is a basic apologetic about the faith. it’s not particularly catholic (none of them are, since lewis was anglican), but it’s a great work on christianity in general.
the great divorce is a treatment of heaven vs hell. it’s fantastic, and i’ve read it many times.
til we have faces - this is fiction, a retelling of a greek myth - psyche and aphrodite - and probably the best book i ever read a second time.
the four loves - eros is romantic love, phileo is friendship, storge is affectionate love, like in a family, and of course agape is the love God has for us. lewis takes each one apart and says some of the most profound and life changing things i’ve read about them.
here are some to get started. like i say, lewis wasn’t catholic, but he was one of the main reasons i became catholic. so he’s definitely pointed in a romeward direction.
besides that, a biography on a saint would be a nice book to read. most of my prot friends read them. chesterton has two excellent ones on francis of assisi and thomas aquinas. i’d recommend both.