Need to find a durable Rosary

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I am looking for a Rosary that can take a lot. Under normal use, I find the Rosary I keep in my pocket starts to fall apart after a few months.

I have long since abandoned metal in favor of nylon twine and wooden beads.
The rope just holds up better.

But I have started losing beads.

Does anyone have a source for something tougher?
Honestly, the rosaries that I have that last the longest, are the plastic ones. I remember hearing about combat rosaries that are from World War I, that were supposed to hold up under tough conditions during the war. If I could find something like that, a real authentic one not a reproduction, I think that might be useful.
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I will investigate the all twine Rosary.
Looks promising.

This brings up another problem.
What do you do with the remains of a well used Rosary? Keep in mind, it has been blessed.
Wire-wrapped rosaries are another option. I’ve carried mine around for five years or so and it’s still in one beautiful piece 🙂

Got mine here.

There are, of course, other sources as well.
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Rugged Rosaries ( are very strong. They use full paracord (not gutted) instead of twine or string to make them durable. I have a chaplet and chotki from them that are still as good as new.
A wire wrapped rosary is very strong.

If you want nylon, go to the Rosary Army website and learn how to make your own!
I second the recommendation of Rugged Rosaries at cordbands dot com.

Paracord and very tough resin beads. Been using one almost daily for nearly 2 years, it takes a licking and keeps on ticking. Your beads shouldn’t break unless your dog chews them or something - they had one case where dog chewed up a rosary, and I think they worked it out to fix or replace the person’s rosary for cheap.

I know many people recommend wire-wrap, but the wire adds weight, it often partially covers the beads which makes it less pleasant to run beads through your fingers, and it can still catch on things. Paracord and resin make for a very smooth rosary and they leave some slack for you to slide the beads as you say each one.
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If I could find something like that, a real authentic one not a reproduction, I think that might be useful.
Real authentic ones tend to cost a lot.
I bought an authentic WWI one off eBay that I got relatively cheap because the person happened to put it up for less than they normally go for and I saw it right away and did a Buy It Now. But it was still on the expensive side for a rosary.
I carry my rosary in my purse, in a small and very old co(name removed by moderator)urse, where a devout neighbor kept her rosary for years. Or, going in a totally different direction, try something like these:

The Holy Rosary​


Pray with Mary...
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Yes, I’ve heard the reproductions sold by Roman Catholic Gear are pretty tough. I have one but don’t use it heavily enough to stress test it.
I know many people recommend wire-wrap, but the wire adds weight, it often partially covers the beads which makes it less pleasant to run beads through your fingers, and it can still catch on things. Paracord and resin make for a very smooth rosary and they leave some slack for you to slide the beads as you say each one.
And some people just don’t like cord and/or resin. To each his own. :woman_shrugging:t2:
I bought 2 from them. The Paracord one is indestructible, but much to big and bulky, so it doesn’t get used. OTOH, the replica WWI US Army issued rosary is perfect. It is made similiar to a pull chain on a lamp, or like dog tag chains for soldiers. Perfect size and hasn’t broken yet, three months of use (which is pretty good for me and any non-rope rosary).
The Rosary Army cord knot rosaries are great, mine has been laundered, drier and all, carry in pocket every day, it is still in great shape. I started making them also, they are light, durable, and look nice.
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